May 10, 2012

Goat Milk Failure :(

I've been pumping like crazy because James is drinking all his milk at daycare. My goal is 8oz a day so he can have 4oz in the morning and 4oz after his nap. Last night I wanted to sleep, but then remembered I had to pump so I did. Then Adit mentioned that we need to start him on goat's milk again. I said ok.

This morning we packed 1/2oz to send to daycare. I asked them to mix it into his morning bottle. Then I got the phone call at 10:45am. James vomited twice. :( This meant the milk was not a success. His teacher advised that we probably shouldn't give it to him since he has such a strong reaction to the milk. I agreed, and since he vomited twice we needed to get him.

Adit ended up picking him up and he was fine at home. He gave him his second bottle in the afternoon and he drank most of it. However he wasn't interested in having dinner at all and refused to eat. So we gave him a bath, massage, and then I nursed him to sleep.

I really wish that James was on some sort of milk besides mine, but the other options out there don't appeal to me. Soy has estrogen and doesn't contain the same nutrients as cow's milk so I don't want to try that. Also they make synthetic milk but that sounds scary so I'll pass on the too. For now we'll stick to my milk until he's at least 15 months than try again.

Anyone else have a child with this extreme an allergy? If so how did you handle it?

Happy reading!


PS: Here's a pic of James drinking his milk by himself! Thanks to daycare for teaching him!

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