March 6, 2014

Knitting Again :)

Before James was born I made a baby blanket for him and since I'm expecting again I decided to make one for my girl. I'm by no means a knitter, James' blanket was my first and only project and that was over 3 years ago so I've had the pleasure of reteaching myself. 

The first time around my friend Elena helped me learn the basic stitches and was a great resource. She knits for her little girl as well as herself and others. She did teach me an important rule that I haven't seen online which is to start the row and end the row with the same stitch so that the edging will be uniform. 

She had a lot of patience with me because I was confused for a long time, but with her instruction and practice I was able to learn the basics. Another important resource that I used was YouTube. I watched beginner videos and practiced new stitches. Between Elena and YouTube I was able to create this beautiful blanket that James still uses to this day. 

For the new blanket I didn't want to use the same pattern I used for James so I canvassed numerous knitting websites for a pattern but didn't find anything that spoke to me. So I decided to make my own pattern. I pulled out a pencil and paper and decided to draw it out. In hindsight excel would have been a better medium to make the pattern, but it can be done either way. I thought of a box within a box within a box and so on pattern. I wanted the blanket to be larger than James so I ambitiously cast on 230 stitches. I'm sorta regretting that decision now as I realize that I'm less than 3 months away and might not be able to finish it. Anyway here is what it looks like so far and I'll post the finished product when it's complete. I'm using a combination if the seed stitch and the knit and purl stitch. It looks beautiful and I can't wait to see it wrapped around my little girl. 

So now I turn to you, did any of you moms or dads make something special for your little one before they were born? If so pease share some ideas with us, we'd love to hear them! 

Also if you want to know more about the videos I used for learning to knit just let me know and I'll look them up for you. 

Happy reading! 


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