
November 29, 2012

Long Time No Write!

Hi everyone,

I have been busy with a touch of lazy and haven't written to you lately so here's a update on what's been happening. I am happy to inform you that James is drinking milk! His allergy is not affected when I give him boiled, organic whole milk (or homo) milk for you Canadians! I read that there are two proteins that make milk difficult to digest: whey and casein. When milk is boiled is reduces the allergenicity of whey but not casein. The whey must be what James is allergic to because he can tolerate boiled milk as well as foods made with milk, like cheese, pizza, etc. This is great news because now I don't need to pump milk for daycare anymore and because it increases James food options. Now if only I can get him to eat fruit!

Second big news is that James started daycare! He's been attending almost 2 weeks now and he loves it. I was so worried that his transition would be difficult, however on the first day he cried for 5 minutes after I left the room, and didn't cry when I picked him up. The second day he didn't cry at all and went straight to eat breakfast and was fine with me leaving. On pick-up he hopped over to me and took my hand to show me the classroom, then he cried when I picked him up to leave! That was a perfect sign to show that he's happy there. Also these teachers write a daily sheet of his meals, diaper changes, naps, and write about his day. It's so nice being able to know how he did in detail, especially since there is no webcam here. The only con to this daycare is that they don't provide meals, but have an outside caterer that we have to pay in addition to monthly fees, thus this is more expensive than Toronto. However we have a larger and nicer facility that's located on a farm rather than the busy city streets we were used too. I loved my old daycare, but I have fallen in love with this new facility too!

We also flew to Toronto a couple of weekends ago to celebrate a second birthday party! It was so great seeing the old gang and the kiddies. Everyone is doing great and we really enjoyed ourselves. We also visited some friends for brunch and met their puppy, Eli. This was James' first real interaction with a dog. Eli is a dachshund and about a month old. At first James and Eli were scared if each other, but after some time James was petting him and talking to him. It was fun watching the interaction.

We also celebrated Thanksgiving recently. We were invited to my brother's in-laws for dinner which was nice. Their family is big into ping pong and they had a tournament which was fun. My sister-in-law made an amazing turkey and her gravy was a big hit! After eating the huge meal, we headed to my cousin's house to meet up with everyone there. They are into football so were watching the game. Instead I enjoyed catching up with everyone. James feel asleep on the drive over so we put him in his cousin's crib until it was time for her to sleep. He was good and slept on the way home too. We got home really late, but I was still up so I went to the mall for my first Black Friday shopping. It was not really worth it. I just got some clothes for James. I think shopping in Manhattan would have been better, maybe next time. Lol!

While James is in daycare, I've been spending my time cooking, settling in and preparing for Christmas. I am really excited about getting a real tree! We weren't allowed real trees in the condo, nor did we ever put up a fake one since we were never home then. I look forward to starting this Christmas tradition with James!

Lastly my 2 months off of work is coming to an end and I start on Monday. I can't believe how quickly my life has changed. Life is so different here in the suburbs. What's funny is that the driving that I've done this past month is probable more than I've ever done in my lifetime before!

Hope you have a safe and happy holiday!

Happy reading!


November 6, 2012

How Did This Happen? :(

My day started off well despite James waking up at 5:30. I brought him into bed with me and he stayed and played a bit until around 7:30ish. We brushed our teeth, changed his clothes and diaper and went down for breakfast. Afterwards James played and we had an early lunch. Adit and I were watching Revolution as we had lunch and since James was in the room he didn't nap as scheduled. Instead he fell asleep around 1:30-3:30. He initially work up after an hour and I napped with him for the second hour. I just love cuddling with him. I'm trying to encourage him to ask for "Milky", but instead he points and then I'll ask him if he wants milky and he says "yes". James also says no, it's the cutest thing because of the way he says it.

I gave James a snack after he woke up and then got him dressed to go for a drive to get groceries. Adit, James and I went to Costco. As usual we picked up some things that weren't needed. Lol! On the way out there was a huge line to get the receipts checked and the wind was blowing in at us, so I figured it would make more sense to take James to the car. I took the car keys from Adit and headed to the car. James took the keys from me and I placed him in the seat. Since he was wearing his heavy winter jacket I closed the door and started walking to the other side to get in and undress him. Before I could get to the other door I heard the car lock! I ran to the door and pulled it, but it was locked. I checked in at James and he was sitting there with the keys in his hands playing. I tried all the car doors, but no use, everything was locked! My heart sank! I quickly checked my purse as I usually have my keys, but guess what, no keys!

By this time Adit was walking up and I yelled to him that I locked James in the car because i let him have the keys. He was calm and we said we need to get home to get my keys. The couple parked next to us could see the panic and heard what happened. They offered to take Adit to get the keys and bring him back. They took off and I stayed at the window asking James to "press the button". He did press the buttons, just not the one we needed. He kept hitting the lock, then the panic. The alarm went off a few times, but he was pretty calm. I was loosing my mind on how this happened and how he was doing. I fed him at Costco and I knew he was warm since he was in his coat. I was just worried that he'd fall out of the seat and hurt himself as he wasn't buckled in. I tried my best to keep him calm by playing peek-a-boo and singing his favorite songs. As Adit was headed back James started to have a meltdown. He wanted out of the seat. He kept trying to hand me the keys through the glass, but I couldn't take it. Then he started crying and slouching in the seat. He was crying and it was breaking my heart. I knew Adit would be there, but I didn't want him to fall. He has his feet facing me and was kicking the glass, that was a safe position so he wouldn't fall. Then he realized he could turn the other way and started swinging his body there. I got so nervous and was pounding on the glass to get his attention and calling him. Thankfully I saw the couple drive up and Adit unlocked the car. I quickly opened the door and grabbed James in my arms. I was so relieved to hold him. He was still crying as he was tired and probably was scared through that ordeal too. I took him to the back seat with me and nursed him. After a couple minutes he calmed down and let me put him in the car seat. I continued nursing while we drove home and he was fine.

When we parked I saw a big smile on his face and he said "up, up". I took him out and got him ready for bed. I held him really tight as I rocked him to sleep and kissed him goodnight before putting him in his crib. I am so relieved that nothing bad happened. I've learned my lesson and I'm never giving a kid any automatic keys again! My heart can't undergo that stress again.

Hope no one else has to experience this and can maybe learn from my account.

Happy reading!


November 2, 2012

Dairy Allergy? What Dairy Allergy? :)

For those of you tuning in recently, James has a dairy allergy that we discovered since he was about 10 months old. That was the week we introduced yogurt and he introduced us to projectile vomiting! It's amazing how quickly he reacted, it barely hit his tongue when he started dry heaving, then immediately vomited.

We also tried giving him regular cow's milk, goat's milk, cheese, etc. recently we tried shredded mozzarella cheese and he was able to digest that without any allergic reactions. Besides vomiting, he also develops red bumps on his chin. This morning I made him some infant cereal with half boiled milk and water as the liquid. He had a bite but wasn't interested. He was watching his cousins eat eggs so he wanted that too. So I topped it with some Gouda cheese and that also was digested with no issues. I think I'm fairly confident offering him cheese, it's just milk that concerns me.

I am still nursing my 19.5 month old son! This means that I'd pump 3 times a day to obtain 4-5 oz if I'm lucky. We supplement with some chocolate pediasure, but I'd much prefer to offer him cow's milk. Since I'm at my aunt's house with my mom we decided to try boiled organic milk. I gave him about 1/4 of a teaspoon yesterday and there was no reaction. I cheered a small victory in my heart, and a sigh of relief hoping my pumping days will be numbered.

Today we gave him about a full tablespoon of milk and he had the red bump reaction on his chin. I still felt satisfied that he'll be ok. I think that I'll end up mixing 1/2 my milk and whole milk and keep increasing the whole milk as we go.

So there is light at the end of the tunnel! I just couldn't wait to share his progress with you all!

Happy reading!


November 1, 2012

Oh Sandy!

The movers arrived bright and early at 8:00 am as promised and delivered everything without an issues. Then came the tedious job of unpacking. Luckily we were accompanied by by mom, brother and his wife. Initially we thought that my mom would watch James and the 4 of us would unpack. Instead the boys went to get groceries since we had no food and my sister-in-law (SIL) watched James as my mom and I tackled the kitchen. This worked out really well and once the boys returned they watched James as my SIL joined us in the kitchen. We made so much headway that we nearly finished unpacking that area.

The next day we continued unpacking and we had the news playing in the background urging everyone to exercise caution about Hurricane Sandy. As typical NYers we didn't feel that there would be any major issues as it was a cat 1 and Adit and I endured a higher cat in Halifax from hurricane Juan. Nevertheless we had James and my mom with us so we didn't want to take any chances so we stocked up on some food and water.

On Monday I had grand plans of setting up James room. His crib and change table were there, but everything else was in boxes. It was a huge task, but my mom and I did most of it and we finished about an hour before the power went out. Although I knew the storm was coming, we heard reports that it would be around 6:30, however our power was out at 4:30. We felt totally ripped off. Lol!

We still had some daylight, running water, and a working gas stove so we went along with our day thinking that the power would return soon. At around 6:30 we realized that it wasn't coming back as the rain and wind both picked up. We also felt the cold creep in. We saw the once vertical rain drops change to horizontal and the large stationary trees sway vigorously back and forth. We were worried that a tree would fall in on us so we decided to all sleep downstairs in case we had to leave suddenly. As an additional precaution I packed an overnight bag for James, and had our shoes and coats handy for a quick get away. We are staying in a town home so I was paranoid of a fire that could quickly spread from one home to another. I guess it's my underwriting background, however I rather be prepared.

So it was around 9pm and we were bored out of our minds. James was asleep so we decided to head to bed too in hopes we'd sleep through this storm. I had a difficult time as it was freezing and I couldn't stop watching the trees for fear they might hit us or look at the amazing blue sky lit up by lightening. My fears were heightened when we heard some cracking and booms from falling trees. I tossed and turned all night as sleeping on the floor is uncomfortable and I wanted to make sure James was warm. After a few hours the winds and rain subsided and I was able to sleep until about 6 am.

When we woke up we looked at the trees in the yard and saw there were about 3 down. The front wasn't bad as there aren't many trees there. Adit decided to take a drive to survey the damage. He said that there were a lot of trees down and power was out in most of the area. As it was cold at home and we only had a few candles so we decided it was time to jump ship and head to Manhattan.

We called my brother who said that they didn't lose power so we assumed that my mom's apartment didn't either. We needed to find a way in where the roads weren't flooded, Adit charted a route through the cleared roadways which took us through the Lincoln Tunnel. We made it though with no issues and even found parking a free parking spot on my mom's street!

After hanging out a few hours, we decided to head to my Aunt's house in Queens since they also had power too and it would be a nice opportunity to see my cousins and their kids. James was in pure bliss and we have been here since Tuesday afternoon awaiting the power to return. Thankfully I'm a neurotic mom and packed about 5 changes of clothes for myself and James in our overnight bag! Lol!

Well I'll give you an update on our power situation when there's news!

Happy reading!


October 31, 2012

We are here!

Hi everyone,

Oh how I've missed writing to you all. It's been a busy week for us so I'll start with the move last Wednesday. Adit and I were looking forward to the movers arriving on Wednesday morning until we learned that 2 of 3 elevators were out of order in our building. Therefore we would not have a dedicated elevator. Apparently there was an issue with the motor and the building was waiting on the part and the technician to arrive. In the meantime the movers were scheduled to arrive at 8am. This was a nightmare. However the movers were late and the part was fixed before a load was taken down, so we were lucky it worked out in the end.

The movers were really good and helped to pack the last minute items that we didn't know how to pack. They were also very patient and it was nice knowing that the same guys who packed the truck were delivering and unpacking the truck too.

After they loaded the truck and left I felt a little sad that we won't live there again. We had so many great memories there with so many people. I would always look up into our window when I'd pass by and it would be weird seeing someone else there. So I took a minute to enjoy our last view of the city, aka traffic and started doing last minute prepping for our flight.

Before I knew it, it was time to pick James up from daycare. It was an emotional time as I love his daycare and all the teachers and kids there so how do you say bye. I could tell the teachers were sad too, in particular his favorite teacher who called him "little ducky" because of his hat. We said our goodbyes and headed home so that we could meet Adit and head to the airport.

My flight was at 7:30 but we wanted to get there early in case I got questioned when moving. James was sad to leave Dada and I was not looking forward to managing James and luggage on the flight. James refused to have dinner and managed to only have bread at the lounge. He was so overtired and slept during the flight. When we arrived a nice gentleman passenger helped me with my bags all the way to baggage collection. He was so nice and wanted to help me as he was a dad himself. He even paid for my cart and was about to get my luggage when my brother arrived. If it wasn't for him I would have struggled with the bags and James. In return all he asked was that when I see another person in need was to help them however I can. This was a pay it forward attitude that I will honor. I was so touched by his kindness and he helped end a hectic day on a happy note!

As for James, he was wired when we got back to my mom's that night and didn't sleep again until 10! I was exhausted and feel asleep while nursing him. So the following day my mom and I took James around the city. He loved Riverside park and didn't want to leave. He walked the streets of NY like a proud NYer and said hi to all the dogs and pigeons!

Well that's the update for now, I'll share more about the unpacking, settling in, and the storm!

Miss you Canadians and I'll send you guys my contact soon!

Happy Reading!


October 19, 2012

Last Friday Living in Toronto!

Where has the time gone, I feel the pressure of our impending move even more now. We are mostly packed, but I know those "few things" left will still take at least a couple hours. This week went by so fast. I spent the beginning of the week packing, it went pretty well, albeit tiring. Adit was away for most of the week working in Mexico, rough job huh! Apparently he did work long hours, but I was doing double time at home since dada wasn't here to help with James. Although James attends daycare, there are still many things that need to be done for him, for example he needs to be nursed, changed, dressed, fed breakfast, and taken to daycare. Then in the evening I'd have to make his dinner, pick him up, get him fed, play and interact with him, give him a bath, massage, then put him to sleep. I was exhausted by the time it was all done, yet I still needed to clean the kitchen and prepare for the next day. It was difficult, but I was lucky to have my sister-in-law help a couple nights with James. I enjoyed catching up with her and James also loves her company. :)

Yesterday was a dream day as I did zero packing, not because I didn't need to, but because I needed a break. I usually pack during the day, make dinner, do the James routine, rest for an hour or so, then pack again until about 1:00am. At that time I'd be so wired that I couldn't sleep until 2:00am. These hours don't work well for my sleep routine, and I'm surprised I haven't crashed yet. lol! Going back to Thursday, I had an amazing sushi lunch at my usual place with the girls. It was a great time as all 5 of us were able to attend. Even though it was an hour we shared some good memories of the good ole days of maternity leave and started planning group vacations together! :) After lunch, they gave me a photo album containing pics of memorable moments with all of us. It was so touching, 2nd best gift, runner up to the Mother's Day gift James made for me! :)

We are embarking on a new chapter of our lives and I'm a little afraid of the change. I've been in Toronto for 5 years now and met so many amazing people, how can I move away from all this? So much has changed in my life since James was born and I've made so many great mommy friends that it'll be difficult to not have that anymore. I hope that I make some friends in NJ fast so that I won't go into suburbia-depression. I've always been a city girl and it'll be strange being in the burbs, but it's the right place for us at this point in our lives. Luckily I do have family close nearby and they will come visit us once we get settled. I also home my Toronto friends will come visit us soon too!

As a side note, I'll share the highlight of my day with you: I was enjoying some shredded cheese earlier this evening and James was curious and wanted to have some, so I offered it to him. He quickly took the pieces in his mouth, ate it, and asked for more. Altogether he ate about 10 pieces. As he was eating I didn't see any red dots, or other reaction so I was thrilled. I quickly told Adit, then he told me that James had pizza at daycare made with real cheese and he was fine there too! This was amazing as there is hope that James is beginning to handle some dairy! It gives me hope that we can try milk in a week or so!

Well off to relax a little before bed! Happy reading!


October 12, 2012

New Daycare Worries :(

As we are nearing our impending move, there still are some major tasks to complete: the one that is most concerning for me right now is finding a suitable daycare. James is in the perfect daycare for him, the classroom is the right size with 2 loving teachers and about 10 other children. He gets lots of love and attention. The best part about his daycare is that there is a kitchen on-site. I didn't realize how important this was until I started looking in NJ.

The centers there seem amazing with huge classrooms, lots of natural light, large outdoor play areas, good security, clean facilities, excellent curriculum (yes, there is curriculum even for toddlers), and good teacher/child ratio. However once I ask about the meals here's what most of the answers I receive are: 1) We don't provide meals, only 2 snacks a day. 2) We have outside catering and have 2 snacks 3) We do have meals, but no on-site kitchen.

Here's what this all means: 1) Bring lunch for your child and the two snacks don't mean breakfast and snack, literally only snacks. So James won't get the cereal, pancakes, porridge, etc that he's used to. 2) Outside catering is optional so all the kids won't have the same meals again, also the catered meals aren't part of the monthly fees so it's an additional cost on the already high fees. I took a look at the sample menu and it wasn't that impressive. Also most of the food contained cheese and since James has a dairy allergy I'd probably have to make his food anyway! 3) This option got me intrigued as I wanted to know about what they offered. We are used to well-balanced meals with seasonal ingredients, etc however what I saw was shocking. There were items such as tater-tots and black forest ham sandwiches! Also they only offered fruit for breakfast and on one day they offered goldfish for breakfast! That was just nuts to me. Obviously I didn't  choose any of these.

I am still on the lookout and appreciate all the advice that was given to help me with my search. I'm not settling and will keep looking until I find a chain that provides meals that are more up to the caliber that James is used to. Wish me luck!

Happy reading!


October 10, 2012

Mabel's Labels! = Life Saver!

I'm not sure if you have heard of these, but if you have kids, you need this. Our children are constantly interacting with other people, especially kids and our biggest concern as a parent is the child's well-being. To help safeguard the kids from germs, at daycare, school, on playdates, etc, we should label their personal items, such as sippy cups, bottles, etc since most kids have the same ones you do! Mabel's Labels will help you achieve this by providing a label that you can permanently stick onto your items with your child's name. The best part of the "Sticky Labels" are that they are microwave and dishwasher safe and I can attest to them being dishwasher safe as we have put these labels in multiple times and there are no signs of discoloration, ripping or tears. :)

I love these labels, especially since they can be customized with different colors and with icons which make them personable. James' stickers have a train on them, so he points to it and says "dooo-dooo" as in "Choo-Choo". Lol!

Take a look at the link by clicking here and let me know what you think of them! I realized I needed these when I went to daycare and 3 other kids had the same color and cup that James used, it was tough for us to tell which was ours because we'd write his name on it with a marker, but that would fade by end of day. There was a better way and this is it! I would recommend these labels to everyone, in fact I am eyeing the clothing labels next!

Happy Reading!


PS: There is a promotion on for these until Oct 19th , click the link to redeem the offer and see details below:

From now until 10/19, or while supplies last, Mabel's Labels is offering a $3 off coupon for Allergy Alert labels, with all Halloween Loot Bag Combo purchases. The Loot Bag Combo was inspired by celebrities who love to include the Mabel's Labels waterproof Sticky Labels and Bag Tags in their children's birthday party loot bags. These sweet combos make great party favours and add a personalized touch to gifts! Best of all, you save $3 off Allergy Alert labels. Perfect, for keeping your child safe this Halloween. Don't miss your chance to shop this great offer! 

September 26, 2012

It's Sinking In Now...

Although I am excited about moving, I must admit that it's a little scary. I have moved around from New York -> New Jersey -> Nova Scotia -> New York -> Ontario and now New Jersey! Most of these moves occurred while I was young or still living at home so it wasn't an issue as my parents handled it. This is my first adult move so it's a little daunting. I resigned from work and completed my last day on Friday. I had mixed feelings, for one I had alot of work to do because I was behind from my prior vacation, and because I have made so many friends here and it will be difficult to leave them. My job was great and I really enjoyed working there, especially since two of my closest friends work there too. I will miss you two, especially for our Whopper Wednesdays! Lol! If it wasn't for the move I wouldn't have left the job.

What's funny was that whenever a friend heard that I had "news" they automatically thought I was pregnant. Lol! Then they were shocked to hear about the move. Everything is up in the air right now and I think I'll feel better once we figure out what we'll do with our belongings, with a place to live, daycare, etc. It's not like I'm moving 30 minutes away and can visit places, most of my correspondence is over the phone and I hope that I'm getting the right information. I have a laundry list of things to do and they are not happening as quickly as I'd prefer them to. It'll all work out in the end and normally I'd like to fast forward to the end, but I think I want to enjoy this time as I'll be leaving soon. Right now I'm talking with 3 moving companies to negotiate a rate and an acceptable move time. Somehow I think working would be easier than coordinating an international move.

In any case the three of us are doing well. Today is Adit's birthday and it's a big one, his 30th! Now he will stop bragging about being in his 20's, lol! It's a Wednesday so not much celebrating. In fact we did an early celebration last weekend with some friends and family of ours. Our university friend Kume was visiting us from Singapore and she shares the same birthday as Adit. We had an amazing dinner at a steak house that left us all full for days! I love when she comes to visit, because I feel like I'm back in University and we talk about old times. Also James loves having more people around and her playing with him gives Adit & I a break!

Earlier this week I took James to the doctor for his 18 month appointment, which translates to immunization and the Nippising Screening Test. James passed the Nipissing Test with flying colors, being able to do all the required tasks for his age so we were pleased. Otherwise he took the shot well, only crying a little until he was soothed by me nursing him. Other than that we have his long awaited ENT appointment at the end of the week, so I will have some news later.

That's about it for now, back to my tasks!

Happy reading!


PS: Here are the questions that they ask for the Nipissing Test.

September 13, 2012

Breaking News!

I've really been out of touch and I apologize for that, but I did have good reason for it. I was away on vacation for 2 weeks in the beautiful Maui! Paradise is an understatement, if you haven't been you need to go! I'll give you an update and share some pictures on another post later!

The big news that I have to share is....

We are moving to New Jersey!! For those of you who don't know my background, I am American and lived in the states for most of my life. Most of my family resides in the states, and more importantly I found a job there that is in the suburbs, so we'll be able to have a short commute from work to home which is what Adit and I wanted. We've outgrown our condo in Toronto and needed a home, however the housing market is still very high in Toronto so we decided to seek elsewhere. Happily, this worked out and we'll be moving and I'll start work before the end of the year. This move is bittersweet though as we've made so many amazing friends during our time here and I wish I didn't have to leave them. I am extending invitations for everyone to come visit us and to keep in touch!

Otherwise I am very happy that I will be closer to my family and that James will be able to grow up with his cousins the way that I did. This is an important core value to me and I am happy to make the move for this reason too! Looking forward to catching up with eveyone before we leave and for catching up with family once in New Jersey!

Happy reading!


August 6, 2012

Catching Up!

I know it's been awhile since I've written you all so I'll try to fill you in on what has happened. James is now 16.5 months old and becoming more independent. For example he refuses to eat when we try to feed him, yet he let's them feed him at daycare. As a result, he feeds himself dinner and only eats the protein and leaves the veggies and carbs. Anyone have any tips on getting a toddler to accept his parents feeding him!

On his medical side we visited a pediatric ENT who is trying to help us get an appointment with the ENT specialist who can do tube surgery. In case you weren't aware, James suffers from ear infections and we believe tubes will help the liquid drain properly therefore no more ear infections. I'm a little afraid of this surgery, but I understand that it's a very fast and safe procedure. Plus the benefits far outweigh the negative. :) We got an appointment in Sept 28th. This is taking far too long, but I'll have to wait.

Otherwise we are enjoying the summer. We've taken James to the splash pad. He sorta likes it, I think he's a little scared when he sees all the water shooting everywhere. He just puts his hands in it. I held him a bit to get wet, but I'm kinda glad he's cautious because we can't let any water get into his ears.

We also went to the zoo. We planned a trip with some other families and we walked around with the kids. They enjoyed it, especially the splash pad there and they had a kid zone where there are barnyard animals. James was so excited to see the bunnies. Lol, he didn't want to leave. He also wanted to put his hands through the gates of the goats and lama, not a good idea since they bite. He was not too please with us when we pulled him away. I made a great lunch for him and he ate some, but we gave him a treat and let him eat some french fries. He loved them and ate a lot. He and Sameera where excellent at the lunch table and both stayed in their strollers the whole time! On our way home he fell asleep and slept the entire night! Looks like we need to visit the zoo more often.

We are currently enjoying a long weekend here, so Adit and I are both off today. I decided to be a homemaker and make some lasagna while Adit took James out for a bike ride. Yes, that's right, we got James a bike seat. It makes going to and from daycare and work so much easier. James didn't want to wear the helmet at first, but now he doesn't mind. He loves the ride. I ride home with him from daycare and we always stop near this restaurant that plays loud music. When I turn around to check on him at the red light I see his head bobbing and he's dancing. Lol! Otherwise he's looking around, pointing, and talking. I haven't taken any pics of this yet, but I will and post them soon. He is such a cute passenger. Yesterday, some officers in a cruiser even stopped to talk to him. Of course he was quiet, but gave them a good stare down. Lol!

Also James started saying some more words. He says Uh-oh and Crackers. I'll try to get them on video and post it soon too. it's hilarious, especially the way he says crackers. He also now says Mama in a sweeter voice, it melts my heart.

Well I hope you are having a great long weekend, or a great day at work!

Happy reading!


July 16, 2012

What a Week!

This past week was one I'm happy is finished. The week started off well for us until Wednesday rolled around. I was just about to heat up my lunch and I forgot my phone so I doubled back. When I saw it, it was ringing saying "Daycare". Uh-oh was what I thought and quickly tuned into the daycare webcam. It was a teacher advising me that James vomited twice and needs to be picked up. It was noon, and I had a lot of work to do so I called Adit and asked him to get James. Apparently James was eating green beans and just vomited at the lunch table. Then they gave him some milk and he vomited again. As Adit was walking over I received another phone call that James vomited a third time. This was serious so I was anxious to know why this was happening. I texted Adit to take James to emergency since this was unusual.

Adit called me after he left daycare and I met him on his way to the hospital. James was asleep and I gave Adit a bottle of water to be on his way. I didn't go with them, but work close enough to be at the hospital in under 5 minutes if I needed to. My boss was very understanding and said I could go at anytime. However I completed the full day before leaving since Adit had it covered. While they were at the hospital, James was being monitored to ensure he was not dehydrated. Adit kept giving him pedialyte every 5 minutes and everytime Adit thought he was ok, he kept vomiting. Therefore he ended up staying there for about 3 hours. Poor Adit had some vomit on his clothes when I saw him. He was tired after taking care of James, so I took over and carried James home.

Unfortunately the vomiting didn't stop and continued into Thursday and Friday. I felt so bad for helpless James since it was clear he was uncomfortable. While we were home I tried my best to offer him some food and keep him hydrated. He had no appetite and barely ate anything. I was supposed to go out for a girl's night on Friday, but James woke up in the middle of the night and vomited. Adit was worried so we took him back to Emergency. The nurse assessed him and said that he wasn't dehydrated and that we were doing all the right things things and that we could go if we wanted. We waited about 30 minutes then decided to leave. There were too many people ahead of us and we were not a high priority. Once home I nursed James and he went to sleep. At this time girls night was cancelled as plans didn't work with the other moms either. So instead we watched the series 'Suits' and went to bed.

The next day I felt so sick, we woke up and ran errands then once I got home I went to bed. I felt so nauseous and had body aches. No fever for me so I realized that I caught James' stomach big. Needless to say, my weekend was utter torture. Although I didn't vomit, I was so nauseous that I felt like I was on the verge of vomiting all the time. Luckily it started to pass on Sunday evening and I was well enough to be at work in Monday.

In any case, this week is going by much better and I'll fill you on later!

Happy reading,


July 10, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

Although it's always fun being on vacation, I do love coming home. It was such a nice feeling putting James in his room in his crib and getting under the sheets in my bed. We spent last week in Halifax, Nova Scotia and before you wonder why we'd go there for a vacation, I'll answer you - Adit and I both lived and went to school there so we have family and friends to visit. :P Sorry Nova Scotians I believe it's a great place to visit, but not my ideal place to live.

I had so many plans for this trip. I thought I'd reconnect with some high school and university friends, check out the nightlife again, and try some new restaurants. I thought that Adit and I would alternate nights and maybe one night go out together as a treat.

We started the week with the best intentions and hit the ground running. We arrived after midnight on Friday and spent Saturday visiting friends at their lake house. The boys went for a swim while the girls stayed on the deck with James. The water was cold so I had no intentions of getting in, however James tried to walk/jump in many times. Eventually he was content having his feet in the water splashing. :)

Then on Monday we visited some more family friends who invited us for dinner. They just moved into a new home which was beautiful. It was so spacious, our entire condo would fit into their foyer. Lol! We stayed over pretty late around 10 so when James fell asleep and I put him in the stroller. This worked out really well at first when he was in the fresh air of the backyard, however shortly after bringing him inside he woke up. This meant non-stop nursing as he wanted to be held. I tried putting him back in the stroller a few times until I gave up and ate my dinner on my lap. This brought back some old memories that I prefer to remain as memories!

This was the start of James' interrupted sleep and from Tuesday night on he woke up during the night. He was awake about 3 times each night so I couldn't sleep. Even when I'd bring him into bed with us he'd nurse then pop up to play. He was jumping, talking, laughing, trying to get our attention by any means. Unfortunately it would take him about an hour to wind down. As a result my plans of socializing where thrown out the window. Adit and I stayed in with friends most nights and those other nights we went to bed early. I felt more drained here than I did at home.

In any case we did enjoy the trip but are happy to be back in our routine again. James took about 2 hours to fall asleep last night, but didn't wake up through the night. Yay for that.

Hope everyone had a great week too!

Happy reading!


Guess Who Got Their Hair Cut!

On Sunday I took James to get a haircut at Melonheads. This is a great children's hair cutting place. The seats are trains, motor cycles, planes, etc which excite the kids. James has had haircuts before, but this was the first one with the trimmer. He did not like it at all. He cried and kept trying to push it away. I felt so bad for him that I picked him up.

I should have worn a gown because I was covered in hair. It was even down my shirt. Nonetheless the cut must go on so I sang and tried to make him comfy until she was finished. James has beautiful thick curls and Dada wanted a Mohawk hairstyle. I think that he's too cute to have that hairstyle, but Adit insisted. I gave in and asked the hairdresser for it, she said it wouldn't work with curly hair so instead she gave a nice short style. James looked so cute afterwards, but it was sad seeing the curls go.

Well here's the comparison. Which do you think looks better?

Happy reading!


July 2, 2012

Happy Canada Day!

Hope everyone had a great holiday as we did! We started out early with James waking up at 5:30am! I was not too impressed, lol! I nursed and kept him in bed for about an hour then he wanted out. We let him roam around our room until he gets bored or gets in mischief then we have to get up. Once he was up we had breakfast. Then we got ready and went to a picnic at the park.

There was a nice picnic where the families in the community each made some food so it was a huge lunch in the end, complete with dessert. I enjoyed the watermelon. James didn't want to bite it so I added some juice and chunks to his water. Boy did he drink that up!

After the picnic we headed to a family friend's house where there were many children. James was so happy playing with them. We had a small ball that he would throw and laugh while the kids retrieved it. This lasted a long time, then when there was a lull he'd make a break for the stairs and try to climb them.

Next we went home for a brief time to freshen up before heading to another family friend's for dinner. They just bought a new house and renovated it, it was massive and so nicely decorated. I loved it! James loved their backyard as it was huge with lot of room to run around, and as they were BBQ'ing a deer stopped by the say hi! It was so cool, I wish I had a picture of it, I showed James and he wiggled out of my arms to run for the deer. Then of course the deer ran away!

James was exhausted from a fun filled day so he was getting clingy and wanted to nurse and sleep. We quickly changed him and after a short nursing session he was asleep. Since we were all still in the backyard we put him in the stroller and let him enjoy the fresh air. James was so contented. However the sun was headed down so we moved inside. James' sleep didn't last too long after that since we were a rowdy bunch! He woke up so I quickly nursed him back to sleep and when I was time to put him in the stroller he would wake up. This went on a few more times until I gave up and just had dinner on my lap when nursing. This brought back some old memories. However this is one that I prefer to keep as a memory! Lol! Initially we planned on leaving around 6ish to put James to bed around 7, but instead we left around 10.

This was a huge mistake since he didn't end up sleeping until just after 11! However it's ok when this happens once in awhile because we do need to live a little too!

Hope you had a great weekend too!

Happy reading!


June 27, 2012

Visit with the ENT!

Yesterday was James' long awaited appointment with the ENT specialist. The appointment didn't go exactly the way I imagined it. It was anti-climactic. He checked James ears and said that he still sees that he has an infection and we talked about his history, what medicines he's been taking and their effectiveness. Then he said that he'd recommend getting the tube surgery.

I had a feeling this was going to happen. I was so sad at this point. He quickly described the procedure that they go in, drain the fluid and insert a tube. It would take about 5 minutes to do and we'd notice an improvement.

I was skeptical to book the appointment on the spot so I decided to wait. I am in two minds. James is constantly getting an ear infection every time he has a cold. Then he takes some antibiotics and feels better, but the infection still takes weeks to heal. So we could continue on this path, however there will be so many antibiotics in his system, straining his liver and making him resistant needing stronger medicines. Or we can opt for the surgery. Downfall of that is having James under anesthesia, ear drum ruptured and drained, then a tube placed. Afterward I hear it's about 2 days recovery then special earplugs when in water.

Due to our wonderful (sarcasm) healthcare system, James can't even have the surgery for at least 2 months. What are we to do in the meantime? My mom suggested we see an osteopath, I think we will. Who knows, it might help him deal with the pain and discomfort. Poor James has lost his appetite and we are trying to encourage him to eat some food. Hope this hunger strike is over soon.

Have you had to take your little one to an ENT or osteopath for chronic ear infections? If so share your story!

Happy reading!


June 25, 2012

Center Island Fun Day!

On Saturday a friend arranged that we all take the kiddies to the zoo on Center Island so that they could see all the animals that we sing about. There were a few RSVP's but in the end only two of us made it. Getting to the island requires taking a ferry that runs every 30 minutes. Normally this isn't an issue, but on the weekends the lineup for tickets is insane. Luckily we had purchased tickets last year that were were able to use for the trip.

As Adit hurt his heel from a recent bike accident, he's been ordered to stay off his feet. This meant he wasn't going to join my mom and I because it was a 20 minute walk to the ferry, then about a 15 minute wait for it, and once on the island a walk to the farm. Getting on the ferry was a struggle. We were determined to make it on so my mom took James and went ahead. I figured once she was on they'd have to let me on too. It was a great plan because that's exactly what happened. Once on the island it was a short walk to the farm.

When we arrived I called my friend Mala to meet up. However she got on a different ferry so they had to walk 3km to meet us. It was a beautiful day and they enjoyed the scenic walk so it worked out for them. Since we were at the farm for awhile James got to see all the animals. His favorite were the goats! Initially he would go up to the fence, laugh and run away. Then little by little he stayed longer and longer until he started putting his hands through the gates and didn't want to leave. Lol!

We let him walk around by himself a little since he would throw a tantrum if I held his hand. (Side note: I need advice on getting him to hold my hand) However instead of walking he wanted to run an chase after the ducks. Lol! He was running and pointing to them saying something in baby talk, it was so funny. Of course the ducks retreated to the canals, but James was determined to get them and he tried to go there too.

After the zoo we took him to an open field, spread a blanket, and encouraged him to sit down. It was a nice thought, but unlikely since there were many kids playing with balls and running around. So off he went to join in on the fun. There was a family of a mom and three kids chasing a ball, James quickly became a 5th member. They were nice and let him play too. After they left we gave him his ball and he ran around kicking it. It was amazing to see his coordination as he ran he could kick it up to 4 times in a row. What a little soccer player. :)

After running around he got tired so it was a fast nursing session then he napped. My mom and I just sat on the blanket and enjoyed the fresh air and entertainment. It was the Dragon Boat Festival on the Island so there were bands and events happening. Once we heard an announcement that the last performance was going up we decided it was time to leave to beat the crowds. I quickly and gently placed James in the stroller and made a B-line for the ferry. We were relatively close to the front of the line so I knew we'd get on the next one.

The ferry ride was relaxing, but long as we were on an older ferry. What was annoying was seeing a boat that left after us already docked and pulling out again as we were just about to dock. However I can't complain because James slept through the long rider despite all the noise from the boat and passengers. Once back on land my mom and I quickly walked home as we didn't want to take any chances of James waking up. I say this because James waking up = me carrying him home and he's not that light anymore. Luckily he was pooped and slept the entire way home. He awoke in the elevator which was perfect!

He was happy to see Dada so they played, then he had dinner, and had his bath. Since it was the last night my mom was there, we extended his bedtime a little. Then as I was nursing him around 9 I got a text from Mala to meet up for drinks. I was tired but then I thought that I'm always tired and it's rare that Adit and I get the opportunity to do something together as a couple so I accepted.

We met for drinks and dessert which was a great time. It was so nice to hang out and not have to worry about James. Once he's asleep he'll stay asleep unless he's sick and since he wasn't my mom had no issues with him. Adit and I got home late then went to sleep as James is an early riser. I really enjoyed my Saturday and hope you had a great one too!

Happy reading!


PS: Don't forget to enter the drawing to win Smilebox for a year for free. Click here for details! Also this collage was made with Smilebox!

June 22, 2012

15 Month Check-Up!

We went to see the doctor on Tuesday for James' 15 month checkup. This was supposed to be a tough appointment because at this age they get another immunization. However since James was on antibiotics and suffering from an ear infection we postponed it for a couple weeks.

At this appointment we were happy to hear that he put on some weight and that he's developing well. We also discussed his ear infections. This is like number 6 for James and we desperately need to see an ENT. Unfortunately our appointment isn't until the end of July. His doctor thinks that he's unable to drain the fluid in his ear and that's why he keeps getting infected. Essentially she thinks it's just the same infection that had never gone away.

For treatment she suggested going on a low dose antibiotic everyday until the appointment. Before she makes a final decision she's referring to the pediatrician. I am very worried about that idea and the idea that James might need surgery to have tubes put in. This means he'd have anesthesia, which is completely horrifying for me.

I'm praying that there is a solution that doesn't require surgery. Also I am so upset that we have to wait until July to see the ENT. If we were in the states we would have seen an ENT the next day. It upsets me that James has had 2 infections since we've been waiting for an appointment. I've already called the doctor and have asked to be wait listed for cancellations. I've left a message at the doctor's office today requesting an earlier appointment, so let's see if that works.

Otherwise we discussed his allergy again. No progress there since I haven't introduced milk products. The good news is that since he's 15 months we can now do an allergy test so the office will make an appointment for that. James is still nursing and only drinking my milk. It's not enough, but I am against trying soy milk and although I hear almond milk is good, I'm afraid he could react to the nut. This is because his doctor suggested that we stay away from other highly allergic foods, so I'm heeding her advice.

Otherwise James is having a great week. He's eating his food at daycare, napping 2 hrs/day, playing and a ball of energy. My mom has taught him how to kick a ball so now he runs around the condo chasing the ball. Looks like James might take after his mommy and be a little soccer player!

Happy reading!


PS: Don't forget to enter the giveaway, click here for details!

June 17, 2012

Busy Saturday!

Calling Saturday busy would be an understatement! My mom flew in around 1:15 then we went off to a party for one of our close friend's daughter. She turned 1 and had a backyard bash! We had a lot of fun at the party as there was great food, a little pool for the kids, lots of space to run, a tent to keep shade, and great company. James enjoyed running around, but was a bit wobbly so I had to keep a close watch on him.

James had a fever on Thursday so I stayed home with him. His fever seemed to be better in the afternoon, however it started up again on Friday morning. I knew something was up so decided to take him to the emergency. As I knew it would be near impossible to get an appointment at his regular doctor. After getting checked out it seemed like he had a virus. Then I told the doctor that he's prone to ear infections and asked him to take a look.

We assumed the hold position that James was all too used to, so of course he was fighting. The doctor tried to see, but both ears where blocked with wax. He left to room to get something to clean it. When he retired he had a long metal rod. I got nervous. I said that there was no way James would hold still for him to use that. He said that he would if I held his arms. I trusted him knowing that I'd scoop up my child if he was still flailing. Luckily James was calm and allowed him to clean the wax. There were huge chunks in there. It was nuts. I even took a pic to show Adit. Lol! But after that we heard that he does have a double ear infection. :(

So now that you are up to speed, that's why James was so wobbly. Otherwise he's a steady walker. James is still such a happy baby despite how he feels. In any case he had a great time and there were a couple dogs in the yard that James followed pointing at them. It was funny.

After the party we headed home, gave him dinner that he actually ate meaning that his food strike is nearing an end. Then he had a bath and went to bed. While nursing him I checked my phone since I didn't all day. I had many messages about a girls's night. I completely forgot that I was meeting the girls tonight and the best part of forgetting was that I planned it! Lol!

After James was asleep I quickly got ready and left to meet the gang. We went to a little place that had a patio. It was a drinks and dessert night, but since two of us didn't have dinner we opted for some yummy calzones. They were really good. we enjoyed catching up and had great conversation. Initially I thought I'd be home around 11:30, but I got home at around 1:00am! None of us wanted the night to end!

I had a great day at the party and amazing night with the girls! Hope you had a great Saturday too!

Happy reading!


PS: Someone enter the draw! No entries yet so amazing chance to win! Click here for details on entry!

June 14, 2012

Look What I Can Do - 15 Months!

Since James just turned 15 months yesterday it's the perfect time to discuss his milestones!

According to Baby Center, James should be able to play with a ball, use three words regularly, and walk backwards. So check, check, check!

He should also have the following emerging skills: scribbles with a crayon, runs, and adopts 'no' as his favorite word. Well he does scribble with a crayon or marker, but he uses it more like a bingo dabber. He definitely runs around so we got that covered. Lastly he doesn't say 'no' yet, instead he shakes his head no.

Then for advanced skills they suggest that he helps around the house, I don't consider his mischief when unpacking the dishwasher help. However he does put balls and toys back into containers sometimes. Also when he doesn't want more snacks he puts them back in the container. He would also be advanced if he put his fingers this mouth to say 'shhh', which he doesn't do.

That's it for milestones, but here are some more skills that I've seen. James climbs up everything, especially our bed and couches. He pulls on Adit or I to help himself up. He can use a spoon and gets food in his mouth with it. James can open some pop off lid containers and tries to put them back on. Other than those my mind is drawing a blank as that's all I can remember today.

Happy reading!


PS: Don't forget to enter the Smilebox giveaway, by clicking here to learn how!

June 13, 2012

Got Jinxed!

James has been doing really well lately. He's enjoying daycare more and more everyday. He's also been feeling well, drinking his milk, eating lots of food, and playing non-stop! However a lot of people have been inquiring as to how he's feeling. The answer was that he's great. This was the case until I got the phone call from daycare late this morning. Of course getting jinxed is not the reason why James is sick, it's just a coincidence.

James has a fever of 102.7. :( As I wasn't available, they called Adit and he went to pick James up. First we suspected that it was teething so I called daycare to learn more. They advised that this high a temperature is unusual for teething. To learn more I googled it. Baby center advises that it could be possible to have a low grade fever, so temp under 100. Since James was higher, it must be something else.

When Adit picked him up his temp already started going down to 101. Adit took James home and I hear that he's already feeling better. I would have left work, but I had an important meeting that I couldn't miss.

Well I got home and James is ok. He's warm as he due some more Tylenol, but seeing that he didn't nap that's what he's doing now in my arms. This little guy will be just fine! He had a good rda with Dada and once he goes to sleep Adit and I can catch up on some work.

As I look at him cuddled up in my arms I can't help but think where did the time go. He use to be 2/3 this size and would fit on my lap, now he's legs hang over. James is 15 months today and the poor baby has a fever. Let's hope tomorrow is better.

Happy reading!


PS: Don't forget to read yesterday's post called "Say Cheese to this Giveaway!"to win a year membership to Smilebox!

June 11, 2012

Say Cheese to this Giveaway!

Make a custom facebook cover collage with Smilebox.

I am so excited to share this giveaway with you all! This is a service that I've been using to do my collages on the blog - it's called Smilebox! The best part about Smilebox is that it transforms your ordinary photos and videos into an exciting, professional looking piece.

Check it out! You just need to download their software and you can immediately start making your masterpieces! :) Say you want to make a card, they have 100's of different choices to choose from and you can even alter the color and set it music. Once you're done you can post it to Facebook, email it, print it, or even burn it to a DVD. I like it because the collages are so fun and easy to make, plus once I'm done I can email it to anyone. SmileBox makes it easy to send pics to out of town family and friends!

When I signed up back in February there wasn't a free trial period an now the site is offering a 14-day trial! I suggest that you take advantage of it and give it a try! You definitely won't be disappointed! In fact, I've only really explored making collages, but there are so many other uses for me to try, ie Facebook Cover Collage, cards, invitations, announcements, scrapbooking, etc.

Create photo cards and more with Smilebox
Here's the best part about the giveaway, Smilebox is nice enough to giveaway free use of their site for an entire year to one of you lucky readers! All you need to do is sign up for the 14-day free trial on their website by clicking on the banner to the left! This is an amazing $40 value that you shouldn't miss! Just remember that you must use this link to qualify!

After signing up for the 14 day trial you can qualify for more entries just by doing any or all of the following:
  • Like Smilebox and Silly Baba, Silly Mama on Facebook by clicking on the names!
  • Become a follower on Silly Baba, Silly Mama! Click "Join this Site" on the right of the post. Remember that there are perks to becoming a follower, once participating in the giveaway they always get an additional entry!
  • Share this blog post on your Facebook page! Just click on the Facebook icon under "Share It" 
Once you've signed up and/or done some liking, sharing, or following leave a comment on the blog post with what you did so I know how you qualify! To keep it simple just write trial, like, share, follow and I'll know what you did.

As this is a big draw for a phenomenal prize we will do the drawing on Monday, June 25th!

Happy reading and Good luck!


June 8, 2012

Break's Over - Wedding Weekend Summary!

Hey everyone,

Oh how I've missed writing you, it feels good catching up again. I've been on a much needed weeklong break because I was preparing and attending my brother's wedding last weekend. We drove to NY on Wednesday afternoon. It was a long 8 hour car ride that James enjoyed for the most part. We picked him up from daycare at 12:30 which was his nap time so he almost immediately feel asleep and napped for 1.5 hours. After he woke up I entertained him with songs, toys, snacks, food, coloring, etc. Oh and I almost forgot, lots and lots of nursing. As we didn't want to stop I nursed him while he was in his seat, this is comfy for James, but really kills my back. However it was well worth it to keep him happy. We got to my Aunt's house around 9:30 and tried to put James to bed. He refused to sleep. I nursed, rocked him, but nothing. Adit gave it a try and still nothing. Since he was in a new place and sleeping in a playpen I didn't want to let him cry a little to sleep so instead we took him downstairs to join the fun. He was running around the backyard in his PJ's with his two cousins. They were having fun high fiving each other! Then around midnight I brought him to bed with me and went to sleep, he did the same.

The wedding festivities started with the Mendhi on Thursday night, this is when the bride's hands and feet are decorated with henna. Guests are also invited to get some henna done, I got some on the outside of my hands, it has worn off already or else I would have shared a pic. This was a beautiful night with lots of laughs, family fun, music, dancing, and food. Moush looked gorgeous and her henna was so intricate and beautiful. This was when we really started feeling the wedding vibe. As always Moush's family was so sweet and threw an amazing party!

Friday night was the Garba. This was also another amazing night, the food was amazing and best of all I loved the Gujarti dances. The night started with one dance that Moush and he family started, then all the guest joined in. I picked up the steps and joined it, it was so much fun! However my stamina is limited and I started getting tired and took a break, I enjoyed watching the others dancing and so did James. James had the most fun this night, as he enjoyed running around the dance floor, playing with the older kids. In his excitement he overate and later puked on the dance floor. With the puking and excitement we decided it was bedtime since it was after 9. We took James to another room, changed him to his PJ's and put him to sleep in his stroller. Then Adit and I took turns going back to the hall while the other watched him.

Now the big day was Saturday! Moush booked hair and makeup for me so I was up and ready to go at 7:00am. The hairdresser was really good and gave me the soft curls I wanted. Makeup was also amazing as it was the first time I had airbrushed makeup! Everyone looked so beautiful. After that I went back upstairs and started getting James ready. However he wasn't very cooperative as he was kinda still sleepy from the night before. We got to the ceremony and went to the bridal suite. Moush looked breathtaking, she was such an elegant bride. The dress was perfect for her. :) Also all the bridesmaids looked so cute in their short coral dresses, it was a perfect color choice that looked great on everyone. After some time it was time to go in, we all lined up and James was hungry and tired. He was not in the mood to walk as ring bearer so I carried him down the aisle. He looked very serious looking at everyone was we walked down. Lol! Once we got to our seat he got a little scared and started balling so dada took him out. He returned soon after and watched the ceremony. It was a beautiful ceremony and very emotional. I did a reading and when we got to the vows I could see Moush starting to tear. I am such a crier so of course I started crying too. We all made it though the rest of the ceremony tear free with bright smiles. James was sleepy so I nursed and put him to sleep in the stroller. That was too bad because we took some family pics and James was asleep so missed out on those. However he did have ample opportunity to be in more pics.

After lunch we headed back to the hotel to get prepped for the rest of the evening. Next was the hindu ceremony and reception. Adit & I changed and packed James and my stuffed then headed back to the country club. We were early so we could take some family pics and James enjoyed walking around the pool and collecting rocks. In fact he brought them as props for the photoshoot. Lol! Can't wait to see these pics. James nursed and slept through the entire hindu ceremony so I wasn't able to see much as I was in a difficult position holding him and rocking him. However I did listen to the ceremony. When the ceremony was over James woke up and was ready to party. We all went downstairs to cocktail hour and didn't know where to start as there was so much food! We brought some food for James, but he didn't want to eat. Who could blame him with all that good food, so instead he indulged with some lamb! James loves his meat!

After cocktail hour it was time to go to the main reception. James, Adit, and I were walking in first and James was so pumped! He was running around, dancing, and couldn't wait to go out! I was so proud of James as he did a great job walking out and across the dance floor! He was very brave, but did get scared when the guests started clapping and cheering for the parents walk in so Adit quickly scooped him up and he was fine again. Next it was time for the first dance, Daniel and Moush looked so nice and did a beautiful dance the ended with a dip. I was so surprised that he could dance, I wonder who's idea this was? Actually who am I kidding, it was Moush's! Lol! After the dance it was time to be seated and listen to the speeches. Yes I did one too. I was so nervous, I'm done public speaking before, but for some reason I was all worked up. I was trying to compose myself, but not sure if it worked. I know the speech content was good, but the delivery could have been better. This is something I'll hit fast-forward to when I see the video! Lol! We forgot James' PJ's so Adit drove back to the hotel to get them. James was ready for bed so after we changed him I nursed him and he feel asleep. Since we wanted to keep James asleep we kept him out of the reception hall and moved outside. It was a little cool so we covered him with a thick blanket, James had the best sleep under the stars, breathing fresh air, and listening to the fountain in the pool.

After I had dinner and dessert I was itching to dance, so I grabbed the girls and we hit the dance floor! James stayed with dada and the boys outside. I had an amazing time dancing with Moush and my family. Afterwards I was telling Adit it was the first time I partied since James was born, so only 14.5 months later. Lol! It was nearing the end of the night so my mom volunteered to watch James so Adit and I could dance a little. I was overjoyed and happy to spend some time with him. We hardly get any time together so we cherished those last 15 minutes on the dance floor. I gotta say that they really had the best party music. So once the night was over we headed back to the hotel. There was an after party at the hotel, but instead we opted for the after party in our room which consisted of sleeping. Lol! We needed our sleep since we were driving back after brunch.

So basically that was the wedding weekend in a nutshell. Sorry I don't have many pics. We'll have to wait from the photographer ones. In the meantime here are a few that Adit snapped.

Happy reading!


May 29, 2012

Time for a Break!

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been writing you lately but I've had good reason. Thankfully no one is sick, I've just been busy preparing for my brother's wedding. With multiple events I'm trying to coordinate everything which is driving me nuts. Of course I did have ample time to plan, but I'm a last minute kind of person. This means I'll hardly get any sleep tonight. Oh well.

With that said I'm gonna run to get James from daycare. Take care you all and I'll be back next week with an amazing giveaway!

Happy reading!


May 25, 2012

Look What I Can Do - 14.5 Months!

Every milestone is important so I think I'll start sharing James' development with you! He's about 14.5 months, but to keep it simple next time and give monthly updates!

He is a very stable walker! Enjoys running around the condo, park, daycare, or anywhere. He can wave hi and bye. He says Mama, Baba, and Dada. However mostly Dada. He also says ball and door. We taught him ball and he learned door from daycare. James and his friends always hang out by the door which is not safe so the teachers are constantly telling them to move away from the door. Since he heard the word so often he started saying it too! Daycare has also taught him some baby sign language. He knows how to sign 'all done' when he's finished his meal. Its essentially putting both hands up and waving them.

James can climb up on the couch, if we use cushions as a step stool, and he knows how to safely get off the couch by himself. He can open every cabinet and tries to empty the contents! He plays peek-a-boo with us by hiding himself under a blanket, etc. He enjoys being chased or chasing us! If asked he will bring us an object that he knows. If he really wants to keep it he places it in our hands and quickly pulls it back. Lol! He gives kisses to me and rarely to Adit. Lol, DaDa doesn't like that too much, but I think it's funny! He can pick up objects with ease by squatting and getting them. He can scribble with a crayon, especially on the bathtub! He loves going up and down steps and today learned how to climb up steps on his own!

James also loves music. His favorite songs are the Beaver Song, Row Your Boat, Good Morning Train, Zoom Zoom, Party Rock Anthem, and Fireworks (Katy Perry). He shows his appreciation by dancing! His moves include shaking his bum and moving up and down. His new move is clapping and stomping his feet like the running man, haha! I'll try to post a video soon.

James likes to feed himself and has good hand eye coordination. Most of the food gets in. He also wants to use utensils so we assist him with that. He doesn't like brushing his teeth unless we stick out our tongues and make funny faces! He enjoys bath time and sits in the tub now, although it's not a milestone it's a big accomplishment providing relief for our backs!

James also knows how to throw balls or other objects. He's fascinated with watching them bounce or roll. This keeps him entertained for awhile. He also learned that he needs to bend his head when under tables or chairs so he no longer gets bumps. Lastly he loves books and enjoys turning pages.

I'm sure I missed some of his development but that's all I can remember today, more will come at 15 months!

So tell us what major accomplishments your little one has mastered! Don't forget to include their age when sharing!

Happy reading!


May 23, 2012

Surviving through Colic!

A good mommy friend of mine is experiencing colic with her second son and she needs some advice on calming him down. So I thought the best way to address her concern is to share my thoughts and also get the readers advice! In case you're wondering what I'm talking about here's a definition, courtesy of Baby Center: Colic is a term that used to describe uncontrollable crying in a healthy baby.

James was a colicky baby at times as a newborn and I believe it was due to a gas build up from digesting formula and my milk. James was drinking a mix of formula and my milk for about the first 3 weeks, then it was basically just my milk until now. A baby's stomach isn't fully developed until after 3 months, which is about when we started seeing improvement. However I believe his colic passed when he was about 4 months old.

Please also keep in mind that the Canadian Pediatric Society says that crying is part of normal development for a newborn baby. Some babies cry for longer periods and with greater intensity than others. Regardless of the definition, comforting a crying baby may be very difficult and at times you may feel helpless. Listening to your baby’s crying may be enough to drive you to tears of your own. But you are not doing anything wrong, and your baby usually won’t be crying for any particular reason. It is common for newborn babies to cry like this especially from about two to four weeks of age and is usually over by the time they are three or four months old.

For remedy's I remember we used to do long burping sessions, put his tummy on our shoulder when burping to help push the gas out, sing to him, hold him to comfort him, we also tried Oval, gripe water, and Cocyntal from Boiton in Canada. Cocyntal is homeopathic medicine. At times Adit and I both felt that the Oval was working but who knows.

I also tried changing my eating habits which could help if your nursing. For example I avoided foods that could make me gassy, ie beans. I drank an anise and fennel tea which didn't taste that great but could have helped.

In hindsight I should have probably used more probiotic drops. Maybe I could have encouraged more tummy time although James hated it or I could have done more massages focused on the tummy.

Well he's my advice, do you guys agree? Disagree? Please tell us what you did to comfort your baby and when did the colic stop?

Happy reading!


May 20, 2012

Best Day With My Boys!

There's no better way to spend Saturday morning than to have a hair appointment at 8:30. Lol! Yes I'm nuts and booked an early appointment so I could enjoy the rest of my day. We wake up at 6:00 anyway so what's the big deal. Of course that's what I thought when I initially booked it, however James wanted to sleep in this morning so I could have gotten extra cuddle sleep time!

I woke up late so basically had to run out of the house and run half the way there to make it in time, which I did. My haircut was scheduled for 9:15, but I went in early to get a toner put on my highlights. On Mother's Day I got my highlights done and although I asked for brown, it came out a brassy blonde. It was awful to me so I called and asked them to fix it. They tried to reschedule for another day, but since I don't have time I asked them to do it before my haircut. The manager was very nice and got someone to do the color for me. He did an excellent job and immediately saw the issue when he saw my hair. I was relieved and trusted his color suggestion.

After the color was put in I asked them to dry a small section so I could see it. It was amazing, exactly what I wanted. I was so relieved. Then I went downstairs to get the haircut. Since my hair was wet the stylist started drying it and suggested doing a dry cut. A dry cut!?!?! I started getting nervous, I kept thinking what am I getting myself into and how can I make this situation better. I know he's a trained stylist since it's an Aveda salon, but I was still worried. Then I just told him that I've never had a dry haircut before and he could see I was nervous. He did a great job of explaining that it can be done and is just as good, plus the best part is that you'll be finished once the cut is done. Again I decided to trust him and allow it. I was glad I did, because I felt that this was one of the best cuts I've gotten. :)

Now that I was on cloud 9, I was ready to see my boys! I quickly walked home, but Adit and James were out on a walk. I had to do a couple of things at home then met up with them to go for a long walk to Chinatown. He was really excited to be out all day and enjoyed having his lunch while people watching from his stroller. He was talking, clapping, and pointing to things all while eating big mouthfuls!

By the time we got home it was 2:00pm and James still didn't nap. So I changed him and started nursing. He feel asleep soon after, but quickly woke up once I set him down in the crib. I left him for a couple of minutes and during that time he cried, then looked out the window, chewed on his crib, then tried to climb out! He stood on the bumper and pulled his upper body over the rails, then I saw his little feet swinging back and forth! Lol! Thank goodness for the webcam, so I went back to the room and nursed him again. He had his eyes closed and dozed off, so I did the same while holding him. The next thing I felt was something rubbing against my nose and mouth. I didn't open my eyes and I felt it again, it was a washcloth! Before I nursed James I wiped his nose and mouth with this cloth and he was doing the same to me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw two big eyes staring at me and one arm up with the washcloth wiping my nose! Lol! He is so funny! James never ceases to amaze me! The whole time I thought he was sleeping too, instead he was taking care of me!

Since I was up and he started walking around, I decided to take him to the mall. James enjoyed the drive on the way there, keeping himself entertained. While at the mall he was talking and behaving which allowed me to do some shopping for him. At 6:00pm that good behavior quickly came to an end and although I wasn't done shopping I called it quits and drove home. To keep him happy I sang the whole way home and got some applause and cheering which is always nice, however I will remember to bring his CDs with me next time! Lol!

Once we were home, Dada BBQ'd so we all had dinner. Adit made his famous jerk chicken with veggies and plantain. So we gave James the same food. I cut up the chicken and veggies in pieces and spread them out on the tray. He did a great job of feeding himself just the chicken! Well in any case he ate, so I'll make sure he gets more veggies tomorrow. After his meal he played a bit, had his bath, and went to bed. He feel asleep very quickly and didn't even notice when I placed him in his crib. So now it's mommy time as Adit went out with some friends. My time quickly passed doing laundry, cleaning, and writing to you all. I am exhausted, so now headed to bed! Hope you enjoyed your Saturday too!

Happy reading!


May 18, 2012

Only a Mom Would Do This!

So yesterday was a rough day for me. Insanely busy at work and I don't see it getting better for awhile. It's not a bad thing as I enjoy working under pressure as long as I have breaks. Luckily we have a long weekend in Canada, so I'll enjoy my Monday off!

Yesterday morning I got my pump out and began pumping as usual, but nothing was happening. Sometimes this happens when the parts aren't tight enough so I tried tightening everything. It still didn't work. Then I noticed that a piece was broken! Panic set in, what will I do? I don't have milk for James! I'm at work and I can't get the part anywhere! What do I do?

Well you know the saying you 'take matters into your own hands', well I took it literally. Lol! That was one experience I don't want to ever have to do again. It's one issue if I were home, but work is not the place for it. I pump in the "Sick Room" at work and there is a about a 6 inch pane of glass that goes down the length of the door that's covered in about 80% frosted glass. I'm always paranoid someone will see me so I cover with the nursing shawl. Normally it's not that big a deal, but I didn't want anyone peeping in today or coming in. That's right, there's no lock on the door, we use our access card to enter the room. The funny thing was that no one really comes by, but of course someone was lurking around yesterday! Thankfully they didn't enter!

When I got back to my desk I told my coworker what I had to do and she couldn't stop laughing. It is pretty funny when you think about! Of course this is just another sacrifice that I'll make for James and I'm sure you would too if you had too! By the way I got the new part, so problem solved!

Hope you get a good laugh!

Happy reading!


May 16, 2012

Is it Friday Yet?

Is it just me or is balancing work, baby, household, and wife insanely difficult? I am always tired since I don't get enough sleep. There is hardly any me time and I'm just drained. This long weekend couldn't come fast enough. I just want to sleep in and relax with James and Adit.

Work is super busy keeping me on my toes, also my brother's wedding is coming up at the end of the month and I still need to alter my dress. Eek! It's raining here and the sun is hiding, looks super depressing outside. In top of that I have a horrible migraine. It hurts to look at my computer screen so I dimmed the brightness all the way down. Plus it doesn't help that we have those fluorescent light bulbs shining down on me. I debated wearing my sunglasses, but I don't want to be dramatic either. Lol! I took Tylenol hours ago and still no relief. I just want to curl up in my bed and sleep! If I don't feel better after lunch I might just do that!

In any case, I'm almost done pumping so I'll have my lunch.

Hope your day is going better than mine!

Happy reading!


May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

This weekend went by so quickly, but today was fun since it was Mother's Day! My day started off great, James slept in until 7:30, so I got an extra hour of sleep! We snuggled in bed until about 8:30 then started our day. There was a 10K run going on outside so I faced James' highchair towards the window, he enjoyed seeing all the people running in their different colored clothing. As he ate he kept pointing out the window and saying random words in his language. :) Then Baba and Dada surprised me with my Mother's Day gifts! James made me the best gift in the entire world, it's a box that he decorated. So cute! I have no idea when he did that, it was a great surprise that I will keep it forever! The card the got was so cute, it plays the Mickey Mouse song when you open it, so James had a lot of fun with it. He was dancing to the music, lol!

At about 10:30 we all went out for a walk. Although it's Mother's Day, we still needed to get groceries. Luckily I enjoy grocery shopping and it was a beautiful day. We took James to a local park to do some walking before getting into the stroller. He loved walking around the park by himself, he was very interested in his shadow and grass, etc. Lol! It amazing seeing things though a child's eyes, because I don't pay as much attention to these details anymore.

After our grocery shopping we stopped by Winners and picked up a beach bucket and accessory kit which came in handy later. On our way home, James fell asleep so of course we couldn't come home because he would have woken up once we entered the building. So instead we kept walking. We stopped for a bite to eat and that's when James woke up. As I nursed him we debated going home, but then thought why should we. James already had lunch, as did we, and it was gorgeous out. Mind you it was very windy, but nice and sunny. So we decided to take him to the park. Best decision ever! He had so much fun playing and walking around.

Then around 3:30 we headed home, Adit & I realized how tired we were since we were out walking since 10:30. I would have loved to take a nap, but I was getting highlights done at 4:30. Off I went to the salon as Adit & Alaya watched James. Adit was making his special roast for dinner that I absolutely love since I love my beef! Alaya was a sweet heart and brought some cupcakes for us! I enjoyed my dinner and dessert with my family and had an amazing day! Now I'm off to bed!

Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day too!

Happy reading!


May 11, 2012

Finally it's Friday!

I thought this week would never end. It's been so busy at work that I'm constantly bombarded with one issue after the other. It's completely draining and I'm so happy the weekend is here! Adit worked downtown today so we both dropped and picked James up from daycare.

We coordinated with some friends to meet at the park since it was a beautiful sunny day! I went home to drop off my milk and prepare James' dinner since he'd be in the outside for that. When I got there I saw James sitting on the ground playing with a bucket and shovel. He was very happy. Then I tried offering him dinner, but he refused. He did the same thing yesterday. I read an article that said that babies becoming picky eaters around this age so have their favorite foods available. I wonder if that's the case or if it's teething. A tooth has cut and is starting to come out.

I have no idea about what it is but I'll try adding more variety to keep him interested. So while at the park we were talking about vitamins. My doctor doesn't believe in any sort of intervention so she said that if he eats well, no need for a vitamin. At first that made sense to me, but then it got me thinking. James has a dairy allergy so he's not getting a lot of calcium from his regular food, shouldn't he take a vitamin? I think I'm going to make this call over my doctor, they are there for a guide, but I think it's important for him to have. We've done no blood tests, iron tests, etc. So how do I know he's getting what he needs?

Is anyone else experiencing this sort of dilemma, ever challenged your doctor's advice? Any advice for me? Please share your experience with us!

Happy reading!


I love the slide!

May 10, 2012

Goat Milk Failure :(

I've been pumping like crazy because James is drinking all his milk at daycare. My goal is 8oz a day so he can have 4oz in the morning and 4oz after his nap. Last night I wanted to sleep, but then remembered I had to pump so I did. Then Adit mentioned that we need to start him on goat's milk again. I said ok.

This morning we packed 1/2oz to send to daycare. I asked them to mix it into his morning bottle. Then I got the phone call at 10:45am. James vomited twice. :( This meant the milk was not a success. His teacher advised that we probably shouldn't give it to him since he has such a strong reaction to the milk. I agreed, and since he vomited twice we needed to get him.

Adit ended up picking him up and he was fine at home. He gave him his second bottle in the afternoon and he drank most of it. However he wasn't interested in having dinner at all and refused to eat. So we gave him a bath, massage, and then I nursed him to sleep.

I really wish that James was on some sort of milk besides mine, but the other options out there don't appeal to me. Soy has estrogen and doesn't contain the same nutrients as cow's milk so I don't want to try that. Also they make synthetic milk but that sounds scary so I'll pass on the too. For now we'll stick to my milk until he's at least 15 months than try again.

Anyone else have a child with this extreme an allergy? If so how did you handle it?

Happy reading!


PS: Here's a pic of James drinking his milk by himself! Thanks to daycare for teaching him!

May 9, 2012

The Weight Game!

The rain just ruined a beautiful sunny day. I was planning on taking James to the park with his friends, but no luck today. James has a runny nose, but otherwise doing well. He even has an increased appetite and actually asked for food yesterday.

I'm one of those mothers who is always concerned about her son's weight. When he was born he was tall and skinny, had very little fat. By 2.5 months he reached a much healthier weight and got a little chubby. The chub lasted until he fell ill a few times with ear infections, colds and flus, then HFM. So he has been playing catchup for awhile. I'm not concerned about his weight now, although I used to worry about it. I had so much mommy guilt! Did I not eat enough while pregnant, I was getting stressed with the job and getting ready for baby. All of these things were bothering me and I realize now that I did the best that I could have at the time and that I have a happy, healthy, baby boy.

I always admired chubby babies with rolls, etc. I felt they were growing nicely, good eaters, and were what James should look like. However that would never happen for James, he is too busy running around, he's just a huge ball of energy that doesn't stop. Lol! So why do we feel that chubby babies are healthy? I don't really know why, it's a perception that most parents have.

That's when I read this article that my cousin posted on Facebook about mothers wanting their babies to be chubby. The article stated that most mothers were incorrect in assessing their toddlers body size and often thought there were smaller than they were. The article even stated that mothers whose children were healthy weight, wanted their toddlers to be bigger. When reading the article it seems a little absurd that mothers with healthy toddlers want them to be bigger, but what's funny is that I can completely relate, because I want the same for James. Lol! However I am comfortable with his weight since he does eat balanced meals, and some days are better than others, but I know he is growing well!

Hope your little one is doing well too and check out the article!

Happy reading!
