
June 8, 2012

Break's Over - Wedding Weekend Summary!

Hey everyone,

Oh how I've missed writing you, it feels good catching up again. I've been on a much needed weeklong break because I was preparing and attending my brother's wedding last weekend. We drove to NY on Wednesday afternoon. It was a long 8 hour car ride that James enjoyed for the most part. We picked him up from daycare at 12:30 which was his nap time so he almost immediately feel asleep and napped for 1.5 hours. After he woke up I entertained him with songs, toys, snacks, food, coloring, etc. Oh and I almost forgot, lots and lots of nursing. As we didn't want to stop I nursed him while he was in his seat, this is comfy for James, but really kills my back. However it was well worth it to keep him happy. We got to my Aunt's house around 9:30 and tried to put James to bed. He refused to sleep. I nursed, rocked him, but nothing. Adit gave it a try and still nothing. Since he was in a new place and sleeping in a playpen I didn't want to let him cry a little to sleep so instead we took him downstairs to join the fun. He was running around the backyard in his PJ's with his two cousins. They were having fun high fiving each other! Then around midnight I brought him to bed with me and went to sleep, he did the same.

The wedding festivities started with the Mendhi on Thursday night, this is when the bride's hands and feet are decorated with henna. Guests are also invited to get some henna done, I got some on the outside of my hands, it has worn off already or else I would have shared a pic. This was a beautiful night with lots of laughs, family fun, music, dancing, and food. Moush looked gorgeous and her henna was so intricate and beautiful. This was when we really started feeling the wedding vibe. As always Moush's family was so sweet and threw an amazing party!

Friday night was the Garba. This was also another amazing night, the food was amazing and best of all I loved the Gujarti dances. The night started with one dance that Moush and he family started, then all the guest joined in. I picked up the steps and joined it, it was so much fun! However my stamina is limited and I started getting tired and took a break, I enjoyed watching the others dancing and so did James. James had the most fun this night, as he enjoyed running around the dance floor, playing with the older kids. In his excitement he overate and later puked on the dance floor. With the puking and excitement we decided it was bedtime since it was after 9. We took James to another room, changed him to his PJ's and put him to sleep in his stroller. Then Adit and I took turns going back to the hall while the other watched him.

Now the big day was Saturday! Moush booked hair and makeup for me so I was up and ready to go at 7:00am. The hairdresser was really good and gave me the soft curls I wanted. Makeup was also amazing as it was the first time I had airbrushed makeup! Everyone looked so beautiful. After that I went back upstairs and started getting James ready. However he wasn't very cooperative as he was kinda still sleepy from the night before. We got to the ceremony and went to the bridal suite. Moush looked breathtaking, she was such an elegant bride. The dress was perfect for her. :) Also all the bridesmaids looked so cute in their short coral dresses, it was a perfect color choice that looked great on everyone. After some time it was time to go in, we all lined up and James was hungry and tired. He was not in the mood to walk as ring bearer so I carried him down the aisle. He looked very serious looking at everyone was we walked down. Lol! Once we got to our seat he got a little scared and started balling so dada took him out. He returned soon after and watched the ceremony. It was a beautiful ceremony and very emotional. I did a reading and when we got to the vows I could see Moush starting to tear. I am such a crier so of course I started crying too. We all made it though the rest of the ceremony tear free with bright smiles. James was sleepy so I nursed and put him to sleep in the stroller. That was too bad because we took some family pics and James was asleep so missed out on those. However he did have ample opportunity to be in more pics.

After lunch we headed back to the hotel to get prepped for the rest of the evening. Next was the hindu ceremony and reception. Adit & I changed and packed James and my stuffed then headed back to the country club. We were early so we could take some family pics and James enjoyed walking around the pool and collecting rocks. In fact he brought them as props for the photoshoot. Lol! Can't wait to see these pics. James nursed and slept through the entire hindu ceremony so I wasn't able to see much as I was in a difficult position holding him and rocking him. However I did listen to the ceremony. When the ceremony was over James woke up and was ready to party. We all went downstairs to cocktail hour and didn't know where to start as there was so much food! We brought some food for James, but he didn't want to eat. Who could blame him with all that good food, so instead he indulged with some lamb! James loves his meat!

After cocktail hour it was time to go to the main reception. James, Adit, and I were walking in first and James was so pumped! He was running around, dancing, and couldn't wait to go out! I was so proud of James as he did a great job walking out and across the dance floor! He was very brave, but did get scared when the guests started clapping and cheering for the parents walk in so Adit quickly scooped him up and he was fine again. Next it was time for the first dance, Daniel and Moush looked so nice and did a beautiful dance the ended with a dip. I was so surprised that he could dance, I wonder who's idea this was? Actually who am I kidding, it was Moush's! Lol! After the dance it was time to be seated and listen to the speeches. Yes I did one too. I was so nervous, I'm done public speaking before, but for some reason I was all worked up. I was trying to compose myself, but not sure if it worked. I know the speech content was good, but the delivery could have been better. This is something I'll hit fast-forward to when I see the video! Lol! We forgot James' PJ's so Adit drove back to the hotel to get them. James was ready for bed so after we changed him I nursed him and he feel asleep. Since we wanted to keep James asleep we kept him out of the reception hall and moved outside. It was a little cool so we covered him with a thick blanket, James had the best sleep under the stars, breathing fresh air, and listening to the fountain in the pool.

After I had dinner and dessert I was itching to dance, so I grabbed the girls and we hit the dance floor! James stayed with dada and the boys outside. I had an amazing time dancing with Moush and my family. Afterwards I was telling Adit it was the first time I partied since James was born, so only 14.5 months later. Lol! It was nearing the end of the night so my mom volunteered to watch James so Adit and I could dance a little. I was overjoyed and happy to spend some time with him. We hardly get any time together so we cherished those last 15 minutes on the dance floor. I gotta say that they really had the best party music. So once the night was over we headed back to the hotel. There was an after party at the hotel, but instead we opted for the after party in our room which consisted of sleeping. Lol! We needed our sleep since we were driving back after brunch.

So basically that was the wedding weekend in a nutshell. Sorry I don't have many pics. We'll have to wait from the photographer ones. In the meantime here are a few that Adit snapped.

Happy reading!



  1. Hey Babe..looks like you have snapped right back by into shape and are looking gorgeous...not to forget the handsome little guy in your arms!! Congrats to Dan! Love, S

  2. congrats to your bro! this is lovely to read! thanks for sharing... and yall look real good!
