
May 11, 2012

Finally it's Friday!

I thought this week would never end. It's been so busy at work that I'm constantly bombarded with one issue after the other. It's completely draining and I'm so happy the weekend is here! Adit worked downtown today so we both dropped and picked James up from daycare.

We coordinated with some friends to meet at the park since it was a beautiful sunny day! I went home to drop off my milk and prepare James' dinner since he'd be in the outside for that. When I got there I saw James sitting on the ground playing with a bucket and shovel. He was very happy. Then I tried offering him dinner, but he refused. He did the same thing yesterday. I read an article that said that babies becoming picky eaters around this age so have their favorite foods available. I wonder if that's the case or if it's teething. A tooth has cut and is starting to come out.

I have no idea about what it is but I'll try adding more variety to keep him interested. So while at the park we were talking about vitamins. My doctor doesn't believe in any sort of intervention so she said that if he eats well, no need for a vitamin. At first that made sense to me, but then it got me thinking. James has a dairy allergy so he's not getting a lot of calcium from his regular food, shouldn't he take a vitamin? I think I'm going to make this call over my doctor, they are there for a guide, but I think it's important for him to have. We've done no blood tests, iron tests, etc. So how do I know he's getting what he needs?

Is anyone else experiencing this sort of dilemma, ever challenged your doctor's advice? Any advice for me? Please share your experience with us!

Happy reading!


I love the slide!

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