
May 18, 2012

Only a Mom Would Do This!

So yesterday was a rough day for me. Insanely busy at work and I don't see it getting better for awhile. It's not a bad thing as I enjoy working under pressure as long as I have breaks. Luckily we have a long weekend in Canada, so I'll enjoy my Monday off!

Yesterday morning I got my pump out and began pumping as usual, but nothing was happening. Sometimes this happens when the parts aren't tight enough so I tried tightening everything. It still didn't work. Then I noticed that a piece was broken! Panic set in, what will I do? I don't have milk for James! I'm at work and I can't get the part anywhere! What do I do?

Well you know the saying you 'take matters into your own hands', well I took it literally. Lol! That was one experience I don't want to ever have to do again. It's one issue if I were home, but work is not the place for it. I pump in the "Sick Room" at work and there is a about a 6 inch pane of glass that goes down the length of the door that's covered in about 80% frosted glass. I'm always paranoid someone will see me so I cover with the nursing shawl. Normally it's not that big a deal, but I didn't want anyone peeping in today or coming in. That's right, there's no lock on the door, we use our access card to enter the room. The funny thing was that no one really comes by, but of course someone was lurking around yesterday! Thankfully they didn't enter!

When I got back to my desk I told my coworker what I had to do and she couldn't stop laughing. It is pretty funny when you think about! Of course this is just another sacrifice that I'll make for James and I'm sure you would too if you had too! By the way I got the new part, so problem solved!

Hope you get a good laugh!

Happy reading!


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