
July 16, 2012

What a Week!

This past week was one I'm happy is finished. The week started off well for us until Wednesday rolled around. I was just about to heat up my lunch and I forgot my phone so I doubled back. When I saw it, it was ringing saying "Daycare". Uh-oh was what I thought and quickly tuned into the daycare webcam. It was a teacher advising me that James vomited twice and needs to be picked up. It was noon, and I had a lot of work to do so I called Adit and asked him to get James. Apparently James was eating green beans and just vomited at the lunch table. Then they gave him some milk and he vomited again. As Adit was walking over I received another phone call that James vomited a third time. This was serious so I was anxious to know why this was happening. I texted Adit to take James to emergency since this was unusual.

Adit called me after he left daycare and I met him on his way to the hospital. James was asleep and I gave Adit a bottle of water to be on his way. I didn't go with them, but work close enough to be at the hospital in under 5 minutes if I needed to. My boss was very understanding and said I could go at anytime. However I completed the full day before leaving since Adit had it covered. While they were at the hospital, James was being monitored to ensure he was not dehydrated. Adit kept giving him pedialyte every 5 minutes and everytime Adit thought he was ok, he kept vomiting. Therefore he ended up staying there for about 3 hours. Poor Adit had some vomit on his clothes when I saw him. He was tired after taking care of James, so I took over and carried James home.

Unfortunately the vomiting didn't stop and continued into Thursday and Friday. I felt so bad for helpless James since it was clear he was uncomfortable. While we were home I tried my best to offer him some food and keep him hydrated. He had no appetite and barely ate anything. I was supposed to go out for a girl's night on Friday, but James woke up in the middle of the night and vomited. Adit was worried so we took him back to Emergency. The nurse assessed him and said that he wasn't dehydrated and that we were doing all the right things things and that we could go if we wanted. We waited about 30 minutes then decided to leave. There were too many people ahead of us and we were not a high priority. Once home I nursed James and he went to sleep. At this time girls night was cancelled as plans didn't work with the other moms either. So instead we watched the series 'Suits' and went to bed.

The next day I felt so sick, we woke up and ran errands then once I got home I went to bed. I felt so nauseous and had body aches. No fever for me so I realized that I caught James' stomach big. Needless to say, my weekend was utter torture. Although I didn't vomit, I was so nauseous that I felt like I was on the verge of vomiting all the time. Luckily it started to pass on Sunday evening and I was well enough to be at work in Monday.

In any case, this week is going by much better and I'll fill you on later!

Happy reading,


1 comment:

  1. Poor James and poor you! I hope you all are feeling better!
