
July 10, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

Although it's always fun being on vacation, I do love coming home. It was such a nice feeling putting James in his room in his crib and getting under the sheets in my bed. We spent last week in Halifax, Nova Scotia and before you wonder why we'd go there for a vacation, I'll answer you - Adit and I both lived and went to school there so we have family and friends to visit. :P Sorry Nova Scotians I believe it's a great place to visit, but not my ideal place to live.

I had so many plans for this trip. I thought I'd reconnect with some high school and university friends, check out the nightlife again, and try some new restaurants. I thought that Adit and I would alternate nights and maybe one night go out together as a treat.

We started the week with the best intentions and hit the ground running. We arrived after midnight on Friday and spent Saturday visiting friends at their lake house. The boys went for a swim while the girls stayed on the deck with James. The water was cold so I had no intentions of getting in, however James tried to walk/jump in many times. Eventually he was content having his feet in the water splashing. :)

Then on Monday we visited some more family friends who invited us for dinner. They just moved into a new home which was beautiful. It was so spacious, our entire condo would fit into their foyer. Lol! We stayed over pretty late around 10 so when James fell asleep and I put him in the stroller. This worked out really well at first when he was in the fresh air of the backyard, however shortly after bringing him inside he woke up. This meant non-stop nursing as he wanted to be held. I tried putting him back in the stroller a few times until I gave up and ate my dinner on my lap. This brought back some old memories that I prefer to remain as memories!

This was the start of James' interrupted sleep and from Tuesday night on he woke up during the night. He was awake about 3 times each night so I couldn't sleep. Even when I'd bring him into bed with us he'd nurse then pop up to play. He was jumping, talking, laughing, trying to get our attention by any means. Unfortunately it would take him about an hour to wind down. As a result my plans of socializing where thrown out the window. Adit and I stayed in with friends most nights and those other nights we went to bed early. I felt more drained here than I did at home.

In any case we did enjoy the trip but are happy to be back in our routine again. James took about 2 hours to fall asleep last night, but didn't wake up through the night. Yay for that.

Hope everyone had a great week too!

Happy reading!


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