
May 29, 2012

Time for a Break!

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been writing you lately but I've had good reason. Thankfully no one is sick, I've just been busy preparing for my brother's wedding. With multiple events I'm trying to coordinate everything which is driving me nuts. Of course I did have ample time to plan, but I'm a last minute kind of person. This means I'll hardly get any sleep tonight. Oh well.

With that said I'm gonna run to get James from daycare. Take care you all and I'll be back next week with an amazing giveaway!

Happy reading!


May 25, 2012

Look What I Can Do - 14.5 Months!

Every milestone is important so I think I'll start sharing James' development with you! He's about 14.5 months, but to keep it simple next time and give monthly updates!

He is a very stable walker! Enjoys running around the condo, park, daycare, or anywhere. He can wave hi and bye. He says Mama, Baba, and Dada. However mostly Dada. He also says ball and door. We taught him ball and he learned door from daycare. James and his friends always hang out by the door which is not safe so the teachers are constantly telling them to move away from the door. Since he heard the word so often he started saying it too! Daycare has also taught him some baby sign language. He knows how to sign 'all done' when he's finished his meal. Its essentially putting both hands up and waving them.

James can climb up on the couch, if we use cushions as a step stool, and he knows how to safely get off the couch by himself. He can open every cabinet and tries to empty the contents! He plays peek-a-boo with us by hiding himself under a blanket, etc. He enjoys being chased or chasing us! If asked he will bring us an object that he knows. If he really wants to keep it he places it in our hands and quickly pulls it back. Lol! He gives kisses to me and rarely to Adit. Lol, DaDa doesn't like that too much, but I think it's funny! He can pick up objects with ease by squatting and getting them. He can scribble with a crayon, especially on the bathtub! He loves going up and down steps and today learned how to climb up steps on his own!

James also loves music. His favorite songs are the Beaver Song, Row Your Boat, Good Morning Train, Zoom Zoom, Party Rock Anthem, and Fireworks (Katy Perry). He shows his appreciation by dancing! His moves include shaking his bum and moving up and down. His new move is clapping and stomping his feet like the running man, haha! I'll try to post a video soon.

James likes to feed himself and has good hand eye coordination. Most of the food gets in. He also wants to use utensils so we assist him with that. He doesn't like brushing his teeth unless we stick out our tongues and make funny faces! He enjoys bath time and sits in the tub now, although it's not a milestone it's a big accomplishment providing relief for our backs!

James also knows how to throw balls or other objects. He's fascinated with watching them bounce or roll. This keeps him entertained for awhile. He also learned that he needs to bend his head when under tables or chairs so he no longer gets bumps. Lastly he loves books and enjoys turning pages.

I'm sure I missed some of his development but that's all I can remember today, more will come at 15 months!

So tell us what major accomplishments your little one has mastered! Don't forget to include their age when sharing!

Happy reading!


May 23, 2012

Surviving through Colic!

A good mommy friend of mine is experiencing colic with her second son and she needs some advice on calming him down. So I thought the best way to address her concern is to share my thoughts and also get the readers advice! In case you're wondering what I'm talking about here's a definition, courtesy of Baby Center: Colic is a term that used to describe uncontrollable crying in a healthy baby.

James was a colicky baby at times as a newborn and I believe it was due to a gas build up from digesting formula and my milk. James was drinking a mix of formula and my milk for about the first 3 weeks, then it was basically just my milk until now. A baby's stomach isn't fully developed until after 3 months, which is about when we started seeing improvement. However I believe his colic passed when he was about 4 months old.

Please also keep in mind that the Canadian Pediatric Society says that crying is part of normal development for a newborn baby. Some babies cry for longer periods and with greater intensity than others. Regardless of the definition, comforting a crying baby may be very difficult and at times you may feel helpless. Listening to your baby’s crying may be enough to drive you to tears of your own. But you are not doing anything wrong, and your baby usually won’t be crying for any particular reason. It is common for newborn babies to cry like this especially from about two to four weeks of age and is usually over by the time they are three or four months old.

For remedy's I remember we used to do long burping sessions, put his tummy on our shoulder when burping to help push the gas out, sing to him, hold him to comfort him, we also tried Oval, gripe water, and Cocyntal from Boiton in Canada. Cocyntal is homeopathic medicine. At times Adit and I both felt that the Oval was working but who knows.

I also tried changing my eating habits which could help if your nursing. For example I avoided foods that could make me gassy, ie beans. I drank an anise and fennel tea which didn't taste that great but could have helped.

In hindsight I should have probably used more probiotic drops. Maybe I could have encouraged more tummy time although James hated it or I could have done more massages focused on the tummy.

Well he's my advice, do you guys agree? Disagree? Please tell us what you did to comfort your baby and when did the colic stop?

Happy reading!


May 20, 2012

Best Day With My Boys!

There's no better way to spend Saturday morning than to have a hair appointment at 8:30. Lol! Yes I'm nuts and booked an early appointment so I could enjoy the rest of my day. We wake up at 6:00 anyway so what's the big deal. Of course that's what I thought when I initially booked it, however James wanted to sleep in this morning so I could have gotten extra cuddle sleep time!

I woke up late so basically had to run out of the house and run half the way there to make it in time, which I did. My haircut was scheduled for 9:15, but I went in early to get a toner put on my highlights. On Mother's Day I got my highlights done and although I asked for brown, it came out a brassy blonde. It was awful to me so I called and asked them to fix it. They tried to reschedule for another day, but since I don't have time I asked them to do it before my haircut. The manager was very nice and got someone to do the color for me. He did an excellent job and immediately saw the issue when he saw my hair. I was relieved and trusted his color suggestion.

After the color was put in I asked them to dry a small section so I could see it. It was amazing, exactly what I wanted. I was so relieved. Then I went downstairs to get the haircut. Since my hair was wet the stylist started drying it and suggested doing a dry cut. A dry cut!?!?! I started getting nervous, I kept thinking what am I getting myself into and how can I make this situation better. I know he's a trained stylist since it's an Aveda salon, but I was still worried. Then I just told him that I've never had a dry haircut before and he could see I was nervous. He did a great job of explaining that it can be done and is just as good, plus the best part is that you'll be finished once the cut is done. Again I decided to trust him and allow it. I was glad I did, because I felt that this was one of the best cuts I've gotten. :)

Now that I was on cloud 9, I was ready to see my boys! I quickly walked home, but Adit and James were out on a walk. I had to do a couple of things at home then met up with them to go for a long walk to Chinatown. He was really excited to be out all day and enjoyed having his lunch while people watching from his stroller. He was talking, clapping, and pointing to things all while eating big mouthfuls!

By the time we got home it was 2:00pm and James still didn't nap. So I changed him and started nursing. He feel asleep soon after, but quickly woke up once I set him down in the crib. I left him for a couple of minutes and during that time he cried, then looked out the window, chewed on his crib, then tried to climb out! He stood on the bumper and pulled his upper body over the rails, then I saw his little feet swinging back and forth! Lol! Thank goodness for the webcam, so I went back to the room and nursed him again. He had his eyes closed and dozed off, so I did the same while holding him. The next thing I felt was something rubbing against my nose and mouth. I didn't open my eyes and I felt it again, it was a washcloth! Before I nursed James I wiped his nose and mouth with this cloth and he was doing the same to me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw two big eyes staring at me and one arm up with the washcloth wiping my nose! Lol! He is so funny! James never ceases to amaze me! The whole time I thought he was sleeping too, instead he was taking care of me!

Since I was up and he started walking around, I decided to take him to the mall. James enjoyed the drive on the way there, keeping himself entertained. While at the mall he was talking and behaving which allowed me to do some shopping for him. At 6:00pm that good behavior quickly came to an end and although I wasn't done shopping I called it quits and drove home. To keep him happy I sang the whole way home and got some applause and cheering which is always nice, however I will remember to bring his CDs with me next time! Lol!

Once we were home, Dada BBQ'd so we all had dinner. Adit made his famous jerk chicken with veggies and plantain. So we gave James the same food. I cut up the chicken and veggies in pieces and spread them out on the tray. He did a great job of feeding himself just the chicken! Well in any case he ate, so I'll make sure he gets more veggies tomorrow. After his meal he played a bit, had his bath, and went to bed. He feel asleep very quickly and didn't even notice when I placed him in his crib. So now it's mommy time as Adit went out with some friends. My time quickly passed doing laundry, cleaning, and writing to you all. I am exhausted, so now headed to bed! Hope you enjoyed your Saturday too!

Happy reading!


May 18, 2012

Only a Mom Would Do This!

So yesterday was a rough day for me. Insanely busy at work and I don't see it getting better for awhile. It's not a bad thing as I enjoy working under pressure as long as I have breaks. Luckily we have a long weekend in Canada, so I'll enjoy my Monday off!

Yesterday morning I got my pump out and began pumping as usual, but nothing was happening. Sometimes this happens when the parts aren't tight enough so I tried tightening everything. It still didn't work. Then I noticed that a piece was broken! Panic set in, what will I do? I don't have milk for James! I'm at work and I can't get the part anywhere! What do I do?

Well you know the saying you 'take matters into your own hands', well I took it literally. Lol! That was one experience I don't want to ever have to do again. It's one issue if I were home, but work is not the place for it. I pump in the "Sick Room" at work and there is a about a 6 inch pane of glass that goes down the length of the door that's covered in about 80% frosted glass. I'm always paranoid someone will see me so I cover with the nursing shawl. Normally it's not that big a deal, but I didn't want anyone peeping in today or coming in. That's right, there's no lock on the door, we use our access card to enter the room. The funny thing was that no one really comes by, but of course someone was lurking around yesterday! Thankfully they didn't enter!

When I got back to my desk I told my coworker what I had to do and she couldn't stop laughing. It is pretty funny when you think about! Of course this is just another sacrifice that I'll make for James and I'm sure you would too if you had too! By the way I got the new part, so problem solved!

Hope you get a good laugh!

Happy reading!


May 16, 2012

Is it Friday Yet?

Is it just me or is balancing work, baby, household, and wife insanely difficult? I am always tired since I don't get enough sleep. There is hardly any me time and I'm just drained. This long weekend couldn't come fast enough. I just want to sleep in and relax with James and Adit.

Work is super busy keeping me on my toes, also my brother's wedding is coming up at the end of the month and I still need to alter my dress. Eek! It's raining here and the sun is hiding, looks super depressing outside. In top of that I have a horrible migraine. It hurts to look at my computer screen so I dimmed the brightness all the way down. Plus it doesn't help that we have those fluorescent light bulbs shining down on me. I debated wearing my sunglasses, but I don't want to be dramatic either. Lol! I took Tylenol hours ago and still no relief. I just want to curl up in my bed and sleep! If I don't feel better after lunch I might just do that!

In any case, I'm almost done pumping so I'll have my lunch.

Hope your day is going better than mine!

Happy reading!


May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

This weekend went by so quickly, but today was fun since it was Mother's Day! My day started off great, James slept in until 7:30, so I got an extra hour of sleep! We snuggled in bed until about 8:30 then started our day. There was a 10K run going on outside so I faced James' highchair towards the window, he enjoyed seeing all the people running in their different colored clothing. As he ate he kept pointing out the window and saying random words in his language. :) Then Baba and Dada surprised me with my Mother's Day gifts! James made me the best gift in the entire world, it's a box that he decorated. So cute! I have no idea when he did that, it was a great surprise that I will keep it forever! The card the got was so cute, it plays the Mickey Mouse song when you open it, so James had a lot of fun with it. He was dancing to the music, lol!

At about 10:30 we all went out for a walk. Although it's Mother's Day, we still needed to get groceries. Luckily I enjoy grocery shopping and it was a beautiful day. We took James to a local park to do some walking before getting into the stroller. He loved walking around the park by himself, he was very interested in his shadow and grass, etc. Lol! It amazing seeing things though a child's eyes, because I don't pay as much attention to these details anymore.

After our grocery shopping we stopped by Winners and picked up a beach bucket and accessory kit which came in handy later. On our way home, James fell asleep so of course we couldn't come home because he would have woken up once we entered the building. So instead we kept walking. We stopped for a bite to eat and that's when James woke up. As I nursed him we debated going home, but then thought why should we. James already had lunch, as did we, and it was gorgeous out. Mind you it was very windy, but nice and sunny. So we decided to take him to the park. Best decision ever! He had so much fun playing and walking around.

Then around 3:30 we headed home, Adit & I realized how tired we were since we were out walking since 10:30. I would have loved to take a nap, but I was getting highlights done at 4:30. Off I went to the salon as Adit & Alaya watched James. Adit was making his special roast for dinner that I absolutely love since I love my beef! Alaya was a sweet heart and brought some cupcakes for us! I enjoyed my dinner and dessert with my family and had an amazing day! Now I'm off to bed!

Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day too!

Happy reading!


May 11, 2012

Finally it's Friday!

I thought this week would never end. It's been so busy at work that I'm constantly bombarded with one issue after the other. It's completely draining and I'm so happy the weekend is here! Adit worked downtown today so we both dropped and picked James up from daycare.

We coordinated with some friends to meet at the park since it was a beautiful sunny day! I went home to drop off my milk and prepare James' dinner since he'd be in the outside for that. When I got there I saw James sitting on the ground playing with a bucket and shovel. He was very happy. Then I tried offering him dinner, but he refused. He did the same thing yesterday. I read an article that said that babies becoming picky eaters around this age so have their favorite foods available. I wonder if that's the case or if it's teething. A tooth has cut and is starting to come out.

I have no idea about what it is but I'll try adding more variety to keep him interested. So while at the park we were talking about vitamins. My doctor doesn't believe in any sort of intervention so she said that if he eats well, no need for a vitamin. At first that made sense to me, but then it got me thinking. James has a dairy allergy so he's not getting a lot of calcium from his regular food, shouldn't he take a vitamin? I think I'm going to make this call over my doctor, they are there for a guide, but I think it's important for him to have. We've done no blood tests, iron tests, etc. So how do I know he's getting what he needs?

Is anyone else experiencing this sort of dilemma, ever challenged your doctor's advice? Any advice for me? Please share your experience with us!

Happy reading!


I love the slide!

May 10, 2012

Goat Milk Failure :(

I've been pumping like crazy because James is drinking all his milk at daycare. My goal is 8oz a day so he can have 4oz in the morning and 4oz after his nap. Last night I wanted to sleep, but then remembered I had to pump so I did. Then Adit mentioned that we need to start him on goat's milk again. I said ok.

This morning we packed 1/2oz to send to daycare. I asked them to mix it into his morning bottle. Then I got the phone call at 10:45am. James vomited twice. :( This meant the milk was not a success. His teacher advised that we probably shouldn't give it to him since he has such a strong reaction to the milk. I agreed, and since he vomited twice we needed to get him.

Adit ended up picking him up and he was fine at home. He gave him his second bottle in the afternoon and he drank most of it. However he wasn't interested in having dinner at all and refused to eat. So we gave him a bath, massage, and then I nursed him to sleep.

I really wish that James was on some sort of milk besides mine, but the other options out there don't appeal to me. Soy has estrogen and doesn't contain the same nutrients as cow's milk so I don't want to try that. Also they make synthetic milk but that sounds scary so I'll pass on the too. For now we'll stick to my milk until he's at least 15 months than try again.

Anyone else have a child with this extreme an allergy? If so how did you handle it?

Happy reading!


PS: Here's a pic of James drinking his milk by himself! Thanks to daycare for teaching him!

May 9, 2012

The Weight Game!

The rain just ruined a beautiful sunny day. I was planning on taking James to the park with his friends, but no luck today. James has a runny nose, but otherwise doing well. He even has an increased appetite and actually asked for food yesterday.

I'm one of those mothers who is always concerned about her son's weight. When he was born he was tall and skinny, had very little fat. By 2.5 months he reached a much healthier weight and got a little chubby. The chub lasted until he fell ill a few times with ear infections, colds and flus, then HFM. So he has been playing catchup for awhile. I'm not concerned about his weight now, although I used to worry about it. I had so much mommy guilt! Did I not eat enough while pregnant, I was getting stressed with the job and getting ready for baby. All of these things were bothering me and I realize now that I did the best that I could have at the time and that I have a happy, healthy, baby boy.

I always admired chubby babies with rolls, etc. I felt they were growing nicely, good eaters, and were what James should look like. However that would never happen for James, he is too busy running around, he's just a huge ball of energy that doesn't stop. Lol! So why do we feel that chubby babies are healthy? I don't really know why, it's a perception that most parents have.

That's when I read this article that my cousin posted on Facebook about mothers wanting their babies to be chubby. The article stated that most mothers were incorrect in assessing their toddlers body size and often thought there were smaller than they were. The article even stated that mothers whose children were healthy weight, wanted their toddlers to be bigger. When reading the article it seems a little absurd that mothers with healthy toddlers want them to be bigger, but what's funny is that I can completely relate, because I want the same for James. Lol! However I am comfortable with his weight since he does eat balanced meals, and some days are better than others, but I know he is growing well!

Hope your little one is doing well too and check out the article!

Happy reading!


May 7, 2012

And We Are Back!

Last week was so hectic! Adit was away on business from Tuesday to Friday, then we left for NY on Friday night to attend my cousin's wedding on Saturday.

I survived as it was difficult packing for James and getting him ready for daycare, bed time, etc. Luckily my sister-in-law, Alaya helped out which was a huge help. I wouldn't have been able to keep it all together without her!

So last night we arrived home at around 10:45 as our flight was delayed. James was a great flier both ways. He enjoyed looking at everyone and playing peek-a-boo with the people behind us. They were good sports and indulged him.

This morning went well and we managed to get everything ready for him to go out. He's enjoying daycare and I'm enjoying being back at work.

Hope you all had a great weekend too!

Happy reading!


May 3, 2012

Giving Back - Build a Bike with Cadbury

As I was watching my morning television program Heather Moyse, an Olympian, was talking about her recent charity work with Cadbury. Cadbury has a campaign, where they'd like to donate 5,000 bicycles for school children in Africa. In order to donate the bikes, they have created a "Bicycle Factory" where you can build 5 parts/day and 100 parts make a complete bike! This is a fun exercise for children and for everyone who surfs the web. It only takes a couple minutes to sign-up and make a difference. It's completely free and you have 90 days left to make a bike. So if you do 5 parts/day for 20 days, then you helped send 1 bike to a kid in need. Heather advised that the bicycle will save a child 3/4 time. So it usually takes then 2 hours to walk back and forth to school, with the bike it'll only take 30 mins total. It's important to teach our children about charity and here's a fun way to do it! There are also videos on the site showing past deliveries of the bikes to the children! If you feel this is also a worthy cause please sign-up! I have created a group called "Silly Baba, Silly Mama"! Hope you join by clicking here! Happy reading (or rather building),Rachel

May 2, 2012

Awesome Song Parody!

This is for all you moms and pregnant ladies. It's a hilarious parody to "Sexy and I know it" from LMFAO called "Pregnant and I know It".



May 1, 2012

On the Mend!

James is feeling much better today, however mommy didn't have any breaks. He still had a fever when he woke up bur luckily the fever broke and he's been fever free since 11am! Otherwise he's been super cranky and clingy. Then when I'm holding him he's trying to jump out of my arms. I put him down and he wants up again, the poor baby is so confused. :( I felt a little bad when I put him down to cry for a second because it is also frustrating for me. After that I think he got it and stopped trying to flee my arms.

Daddy was home early so he played with James while I made some soup for James. It's a long process, but almost there! I believe in organic food, especially for James so this soup is about 95% organic. I just hope he likes it!

Auntie Alaya is here visiting today. James is always so excited to see her as are we! She's staying for dinner and we are having Thai food! Yum yum! I am starving so I can't wait until James is finished nursing so I can eat!

As long as there's no fever James will be at daycare tomorrow and I will return to work. Thank goodness I have 4 weeks of vacation, looks like I'll need the majority of them for James. Let's hope he'll be better once the warm weather rolls in!

Happy reading!
