January 13, 2013

Best Straw Cup!

I've tried so many different cups that I've lost count and one way or another I have been disappointed by them. I decided to be an educated consumer and canvassed the internet to find a cup that meets my needs.

Here are my needs:
- Cup must not leak ever, and I mean while sealed, while straw is out, while lying on its side.
- The cup must be durable and BPA free.
- The cup should be relatively easy to assemble.
- The cup should have a durable soft straw that kids can easily retrieve liquids from.

I am sure most of you see this as basic needs, but with the caliber of cups out there it's more of a wish list ... or so I thought.

After extensive research the only cup that met my needs was the Tommie Tippee Explora Li'l Sippee Flip Top Cup!  I am so happy with this cup, it has met all of my needs above and hasn't leaked yet! It is a little difficult to disassemble for washing, but still worth it! I bought 4 from Toy's R' Us and I will probably get more in the future! James loves it and it allows for big gulps so that he drinks more water and milk!

If you are looking for a new cup, look no more and try this one out. Hope you like it as much as we do!

Happy reading!


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