November 2, 2012

Dairy Allergy? What Dairy Allergy? :)

For those of you tuning in recently, James has a dairy allergy that we discovered since he was about 10 months old. That was the week we introduced yogurt and he introduced us to projectile vomiting! It's amazing how quickly he reacted, it barely hit his tongue when he started dry heaving, then immediately vomited.

We also tried giving him regular cow's milk, goat's milk, cheese, etc. recently we tried shredded mozzarella cheese and he was able to digest that without any allergic reactions. Besides vomiting, he also develops red bumps on his chin. This morning I made him some infant cereal with half boiled milk and water as the liquid. He had a bite but wasn't interested. He was watching his cousins eat eggs so he wanted that too. So I topped it with some Gouda cheese and that also was digested with no issues. I think I'm fairly confident offering him cheese, it's just milk that concerns me.

I am still nursing my 19.5 month old son! This means that I'd pump 3 times a day to obtain 4-5 oz if I'm lucky. We supplement with some chocolate pediasure, but I'd much prefer to offer him cow's milk. Since I'm at my aunt's house with my mom we decided to try boiled organic milk. I gave him about 1/4 of a teaspoon yesterday and there was no reaction. I cheered a small victory in my heart, and a sigh of relief hoping my pumping days will be numbered.

Today we gave him about a full tablespoon of milk and he had the red bump reaction on his chin. I still felt satisfied that he'll be ok. I think that I'll end up mixing 1/2 my milk and whole milk and keep increasing the whole milk as we go.

So there is light at the end of the tunnel! I just couldn't wait to share his progress with you all!

Happy reading!


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