May 23, 2012

Surviving through Colic!

A good mommy friend of mine is experiencing colic with her second son and she needs some advice on calming him down. So I thought the best way to address her concern is to share my thoughts and also get the readers advice! In case you're wondering what I'm talking about here's a definition, courtesy of Baby Center: Colic is a term that used to describe uncontrollable crying in a healthy baby.

James was a colicky baby at times as a newborn and I believe it was due to a gas build up from digesting formula and my milk. James was drinking a mix of formula and my milk for about the first 3 weeks, then it was basically just my milk until now. A baby's stomach isn't fully developed until after 3 months, which is about when we started seeing improvement. However I believe his colic passed when he was about 4 months old.

Please also keep in mind that the Canadian Pediatric Society says that crying is part of normal development for a newborn baby. Some babies cry for longer periods and with greater intensity than others. Regardless of the definition, comforting a crying baby may be very difficult and at times you may feel helpless. Listening to your baby’s crying may be enough to drive you to tears of your own. But you are not doing anything wrong, and your baby usually won’t be crying for any particular reason. It is common for newborn babies to cry like this especially from about two to four weeks of age and is usually over by the time they are three or four months old.

For remedy's I remember we used to do long burping sessions, put his tummy on our shoulder when burping to help push the gas out, sing to him, hold him to comfort him, we also tried Oval, gripe water, and Cocyntal from Boiton in Canada. Cocyntal is homeopathic medicine. At times Adit and I both felt that the Oval was working but who knows.

I also tried changing my eating habits which could help if your nursing. For example I avoided foods that could make me gassy, ie beans. I drank an anise and fennel tea which didn't taste that great but could have helped.

In hindsight I should have probably used more probiotic drops. Maybe I could have encouraged more tummy time although James hated it or I could have done more massages focused on the tummy.

Well he's my advice, do you guys agree? Disagree? Please tell us what you did to comfort your baby and when did the colic stop?

Happy reading!


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