
April 23, 2012

Monday blues!

When we dropped James off at daycare this morning he was doing his normal crying. The teachers asked if he slept well and he did so I wasn't concerned. After getting to work I checked in on the classroom. I saw James playing, walking around so all was normal.

Later on I saw there was a new kid with his mom and dad there since he was transitioning. I was thinking to myself, glad that part is over! However I noticed that James was being carried around or on someone's lap. At one point I saw him balling while a teacher was holding him. This is what James will do to Adit or I when we take something away that he wants. So maybe that was the case I thought.

Soon after I got the call from daycare. They said that James has been clingy and cranky so they checked his temperature and it was 99.9 so slight fever. This was around 10:00 am so I asked if I should get him. They said that we don't have to but they were just letting me know. She also said she'll give him a bottle and see how he feels. So I saw them give James some milk, then I didn't see him anymore. It was a long time, so I called to see how he was doing. As I suspected he was asleep. They said he fell asleep right after the bottle, he missed lunch but they will feed him when he wakes up.

James woke up after 2.5 hrs an then I saw him in this chair getting ready to eat! Today's menu looked really yummy. It was lasagna with meat sauce, garlic bread, and veggies. Since the school uses a soy based cheese I figured it was ok for him to try. Well soon after lunch I received another call from daycare. They said that he woke up and ate 2 servings of pasta, had bread, and veggies, then refuse the orange. But then he vomited up all the food. They checked his temp again and it was still 99.9. So James just easing feeling well.

Next I called Adit and told him that we needed to get James. I left work and went straight to daycare where I nursed him. Whenever James vomits I like to nurse him before he eats another meal. Then I called Adit and he picked us up and drove us home. I didn't want to walk as it was raining.

Once home James was playing around. We gave him some Tempra (Tylenol) to help with the fever, which worked. Then I heated up some baked sweet potato and he ate all of it. A little later I gave him some waffles and Cheerios. He ate that too without a problem. At this point I wasn't worried that he'd vomit again, so I decided to make his dinner and offer it early. I am glad I did that, because he ate all of it, my little boy was hungry. I also baked an apple which came out so sweet, but he didn't want it. Hopefully he'll eat it for breakfast tomorrow morning with his waffle. The waffle is dry so I'll use this as a jam for him.

After his sponge bath and change into PJ's I nursed James for over an hour. He just didn't want to let go of me. I felt bad putting him in his crib, but once he went in, he turned and started snoring. I was starving so I had my dinner. After dinner, I logged into the office and did some work! I am actually excited that I'm set up from home now, I will definitely use it to keep myself ahead. Now I'm a early person at work, but before James I'd be there much later and stay late to finish up. Now that I pick up James I can't really stay late, so at least I can finish up what I was doing from home.

Ok, enough talk from me tonight, I'm off to bed in case James decides he needs me again.

Happy reading!


PS: This is your last opportunity to enter to win the Boogie Wipes! Tomorrow's draw will be at 9pm!
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