
April 18, 2012

And I'm Tired!

So everyone is asleep and I am still up, there is something wrong with that statement. I know I should be in bed, but I have some energy left in me. My mornings are hectic as usual, trying to make something for James to eat since he's no longer on cereal. I've made pancakes that he seems to like, so I'll make some with blueberries tomorrow morning.

James has been doing great, I was just taking a look at his daycare chart today. Adit picked him up so I wasn't there to get the "run-down" as I call it of what he ate, how long he slept, how many wet diapers/poops, or hear what he did that day. I am happy to say that James is now drinking from a bottle. He's been taking it for about 2 weeks now. He started drinking milk with his teachers now and again, but I think the turning point was when my mom was here and he drank milk with her. Luckily he has continued this practice, knock on wood! Lol! He seems to prefer the Calma nipple from Medela rather than the fast flow nipples from Evenflo. I try to give him the latter because it's a glass bottle and although the plastic ones are BPA free I'm still a glass kinda gal. My rational is that I wouldn't drink warm liquids from a plastic cup, so why should James. However, since he does have a preference, we do entertain the plastic ones for daycare from time to time.

Since James has been at daycare and settled in I am no longer nuts about, did he sleep today? did he drink milk? did he poop? I can enjoy reading that he's done all these things and look forward to the part about what he learned or did today. The teachers wrote that he enjoyed a song called "Open and Shut Them" and he tried to do the hand motions from the song. :) That brought such a big smile to my face. James loves music and he dances to it at home, claps his hands, walks around, and tries to sing too. It is so cute, I could just imagine how cute all the kids are when they are being sung too. James' teachers also try to teach them sign language and he's picking up the hand sign for "All Done" which is essentially Jazz Hands from that bad cheerleader movie "Bring It On" that we all have seen but don't want to admit it. Lol!

A couple teachers say that James feels a little heavier, I hope they are right since I know he lost some weight after HFM. Well we'll know tomorrow as we are going to the doctor to get his 12 month shots. I just hope the ear infection is completely gone. James is normally pretty good with shots in the sense that he cries, but stops as soon as I nurse him, so that's my game plan. Oh that reminds me I better walk with some Tempra, just in case he needs it.

Well I am getting sleepy now so I better go to bed. Hope you all had a nice day too!

Happy reading!


PS: Don't forget to make your guesses on the Guess the Giveaway post! The reveal will be done tomorrow evening!

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