February 25, 2012

Weekend Update!

Hope your weekend is going well so far! Ours is going great, except I was disappointed on Friday because we were supposed to have a huge snowstorm and instead it rained all day. I was hoping that I could get James out so he could feel snow for the first time. Unless March is cold, it seems like he'll have to wait until next year. I spent the rest of Friday focusing on sippy cup feedings, but it was to no avail. James would take one sip then push the cup away. Here's hoping that the day care teachers are baby whisperers and can convince James to accept something other than nursing! :) He starts day care on Monday! I can't believe my maternity leave is almost over. I would be more depressed right now but I think I'm on a sugar high from eating the candy stick from a "Fun Dip". 

James and I just got back from my friend Sharon's Baby Shower. It was an evening affair for both her and her husband Mike. James and I had a lot of fun, good food, games, friends, and playing! Sharon looks amazing and she has the perfect little belly! Although it was so nice catching up with the old gang, seeing them made reality set in that I'll be back at work soon. Wait... who am I kidding, looking at James is my reality. So are those emails from Baby Center saying your child at "11 months, week 2", etc. At first I enjoyed getting these emails when he was under 6 months, now I feel like he's growing up too quickly and these emails keep reconfirming that! Lol!

We had a late night out past James' bedtime, but he was a trooper. Since I had James' sleeper in his baby bag I changed his diaper, dressed him for bed, and nursed him prior to leaving. It was so windy that I had to put his snowsuit on for our short walk to the car. After a few minutes of driving, James was asleep. Then I enjoyed the 20 minute drive home. Once home I was able to prepare his crib which consisted of changing the pillowcase to the makeshift pillow I made for him out of soft blankets. Since James will be a year old soon, I think it's time for a pillow. Surprisingly not many companies make crib pillows, probably because of the liability issues (Hey, I did some underwriting! Lol). However IKEA makes one that I would like to buy tomorrow, it's called the LEN. Has anyone else tried this one or is there a better pillow out there? What do you use for your Baba?

Anyway, after preparing the crib came the hard parts: getting James out of the seat belt harness, removing his one piece snowsuit, and placing him in bed. Miraculously I passed all three tasks with flying colors, hence I am here writing to you! It was tricky getting his arms out of the snowsuit but I managed. I think the key to removing the snowsuit was that I gently rocked the car seat while doing it, this helped keep him asleep since babies love movement.  If you have any other tips that can help prepare baby for bed after returning home from a night out please share it with the rest of us by replying to this post below on the blog!

Happy reading!


PS: Here's the little guy at the Baby Shower earlier this evening!


  1. James is such a cutie!
    My little A is now in a big girl carseat...so we can't unplug it and bring it to the condo. instead we carry her in our arms..she usually rests her head on our shoulder or will look around in a bit of a daze. once up we slowly take her out of her snow suit or jacket and put her in our bed...yup...our bed! once she is sound asleep we transfer her to her crib.
    does James move around a lot in his sleep? Arianna travels from one end of the bed to the other...and if we put her in her crib she gets her foot or arm stuck between the wooden panels which results in hysteria...so we let her have her way in our bed and once she settles we do the transfer

    1. A is getting so big and cuter by the minute! We bought a larger weight/height car seat so he will be there until 32 inches since I don't see him getting to 35 lbs anytime soon, but I will take the name of yours when we are looking.

      As for James' sleep he does move around a lot. I'll put him on one side of the crib and when I check the monitor he's across or flipped head to toe! Lol! We actually have the bumper on the crib for the same reason. He hits himself and throws limbs when turning so this way he doesn't notice the wooden bars. Kiss that little one for me and see you soon!
