When will my poor baba get a break? Just when I thought it was all behind him fever struck on Friday. James tried goat milk for the first time on Friday. This was our attempt to transition him to a milk that's not mine. I wanted him via webcam as he drank his first bottle at 10:30. I checked back in around 11 and saw that he wasn't changed, so he didn't vomit! I thought 'Yay, small victory for us!'.
However after the second bottle around 2:30, James vomited twice. He was only given less than an ounce with 3 oz of my milk which was what he digested in the morning. So I went to daycare to pick him up. Once there the teachers said that he hasn't been himself and that he's moping around, putting his head down, etc which is uncharacteristic for James. That worried me because the last time he was like that he had HFM!
I immediately called his doctor and advised them that we needed to see a doctor. Then I called Adit to pick us up and take us there. Once at the doctor we were seen by a nurse, then the doctor. James didn't have a fever while there, but at daycare his temp was 99.5. Then of course as I'm explaining that James was mopey and wasn't himself today, James was running around the office smiling, laughing, the picture of good health. Lol!
I'm sure the doctor thought I was nuts, but I knew something was wrong with my baby despite how he was acting. No matter the discomfort or pain James is in, he wants to play and be independent so he tries his best to be happy and active. In any case the doctor checked his ears for an infection, his breathing was normal and so was everything else. The doctor asked us to monitor it because perhaps it was the beginning of whatever it was he has.
Saturday was busy, we visited some friends in Scarborough and went for a walk before that. James was content and happy. The friends we visited had a kids so James played with the older boy, Jacob. James like following him around. After James went to bed I want to dinner and karaoke with a few friends. It was a lot of fun and something we'll have to try again soon! We celebrated two of my friend's birthdays which was fun!
So then it was Sunday. The day started out well. We went to get groceries at Costco then went home. Once home, we realized that James had a high fever of 103.9! So we dropped everything and rushed to the emergency. He had a fever earlier that morning, but not this high. The reason we need to go to the hospital is because of fear of seizures caused by high fevers.
We were seen almost right away and James was given some Tylenol to reduce the fever. The doctor said that there is a virus going around so maybe he has that. They took a swab of his nostrils to run some tests and we'll get the results tomorrow. Then as a precaution I asked the doctor to check for a UTI by taking a bladder sample. The doctor agreed, but I asked for the bag collection method, rather than the catheter. The nurse put the bag on and I began to nurse him waiting or some pee. We walked around the hospital for about an hour and still no pee. Since it was past his dinner and sleep time we decided to head home and take the sample to our doctor. Of course once I picked James out of the car seat, I felt a squishy bag full of pee! Since the pee is only good for a short window, Adit rushed it back to the hospital. They determined the results to be normal, so at least we knew it wasn't that.
James slept as normal and woke up at 6:30. I stayed home with him since he still had a high fever. The fever wains once he takes medicine and climbs back up once it starts to wear away. I'm nursing James to sleep now and hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow.
Happy reading!
April 30, 2012
April 26, 2012
Recently I feel like this is all I do and think about. I remember not long ago I'd pump a couple ounces and send it to daycare and James would refuse to even have a sip! Now he's drinking from his bottles and so much that I can't keep up! While I'm at work I pump, then at home I nurse, when do I get a break!?!? I'm a milk machine that doesn't have much milk. :(
I asked my mommy friends for advice and they suggested oats, teas, going for a all nursing weekend to jump start production! I have been trying to drink more liquids and I think that's helping. I know stressing out about it doesn't help, but it's a natural feeling. If it wasn't awkward I'd pump at my desk every hour for about 10 min intervals. Lol! I could just imagine what that would be like. Of course I'd cover myself with a shawl, but everyone would wonder what that pump sound was!
When it comes to James I really don't care about being somewhat of an exhibitionist. I never show any skin, but I do nurse him in public. It's his mealtime so what's the big deal?
What are your thoughts about nursing in public and what do you recommend for increased milk production? Give me some advice please! Also remember you no longer need to register to make comments, so there's no excuse now! :)
Happy reading!
I asked my mommy friends for advice and they suggested oats, teas, going for a all nursing weekend to jump start production! I have been trying to drink more liquids and I think that's helping. I know stressing out about it doesn't help, but it's a natural feeling. If it wasn't awkward I'd pump at my desk every hour for about 10 min intervals. Lol! I could just imagine what that would be like. Of course I'd cover myself with a shawl, but everyone would wonder what that pump sound was!
When it comes to James I really don't care about being somewhat of an exhibitionist. I never show any skin, but I do nurse him in public. It's his mealtime so what's the big deal?
What are your thoughts about nursing in public and what do you recommend for increased milk production? Give me some advice please! Also remember you no longer need to register to make comments, so there's no excuse now! :)
Happy reading!
April 24, 2012
Winner of the Boogie Wipes!
Hey all,
We have a winner! To be fair I put everyone's name (who qualified) on a spreadsheet and used a random number generator to select the winner.
The number selected was 3, who is Jennifer Siripong Mandel! Congrats to you Jennifer! You will receive 2 assorted 30 packs of Boogie Wipes!
Thanks to everyone who participated, you all made it really fun by guessing and supporting me! Hopefully I'll get some more giveaways soon!
Happy reading!
We have a winner! To be fair I put everyone's name (who qualified) on a spreadsheet and used a random number generator to select the winner.
The number selected was 3, who is Jennifer Siripong Mandel! Congrats to you Jennifer! You will receive 2 assorted 30 packs of Boogie Wipes!
Thanks to everyone who participated, you all made it really fun by guessing and supporting me! Hopefully I'll get some more giveaways soon!
Happy reading!
CPR & First Aid Class
I attended a CPR and first aid class on Sunday. Our friend Seema organized it and I can't thank her enough for doing so. This was something that I've been thinking about doing since I was pregnant, but for whatever reason never did it.
Seema asked the instructor to tailor the course to be focused on toddlers and children and to put a heavy emphasis on choking. During the course the instructor had visuals to reinforce her points and we also did scenario based role plays. I thought the role playing was crucial and it helped us to know how to react in the case of an emergency. For example she split us up in pairs and asked one pair to leave the room while she set the scene with the other two. Then when we walked in we had to figure out how to react. The goal was to start life saving techniques in under a minute and we all were able to do so!
If you are a dad, mom, or take care of a child I suggest taking a class as soon as possible. Then once the child gets older you can retake it so that you stay current and learn new skills for their age group. This course is good to retake on an annual basis, but realistically I can probably commit to every couple of years. Adit was watching James while I did the class, so he was unable to attend. I think this is something that both parents need training in, so I will schedule him for another course. Perhaps the dads can go together!
So here are a few highlights from what I learned in the class was:
- how to deal with choking (3 methods)
- not to feed baby while driving
- what to do if baby falls
- how to deal with burns
- how to handle a seizure
- that it's imperative to react in under a minute if a child is not breathing.
One point the teacher stressed was that the majority of these cases were incidents, not accidents. Meaning that incidents were foreseeable and could have been prevented, however accidents are not foreseeable.
As I said, I am glad I took this course and I just hope I will never have to use the skills I learned. Have you ever taken a CPR or first aid course? If so what did you think about it and would you recommend it to a new mom or dad?
Please share your thoughts with us on the blog! And remember you no longer need to register to leave comments!
Happy reading!
Seema asked the instructor to tailor the course to be focused on toddlers and children and to put a heavy emphasis on choking. During the course the instructor had visuals to reinforce her points and we also did scenario based role plays. I thought the role playing was crucial and it helped us to know how to react in the case of an emergency. For example she split us up in pairs and asked one pair to leave the room while she set the scene with the other two. Then when we walked in we had to figure out how to react. The goal was to start life saving techniques in under a minute and we all were able to do so!
If you are a dad, mom, or take care of a child I suggest taking a class as soon as possible. Then once the child gets older you can retake it so that you stay current and learn new skills for their age group. This course is good to retake on an annual basis, but realistically I can probably commit to every couple of years. Adit was watching James while I did the class, so he was unable to attend. I think this is something that both parents need training in, so I will schedule him for another course. Perhaps the dads can go together!
So here are a few highlights from what I learned in the class was:
- how to deal with choking (3 methods)
- not to feed baby while driving
- what to do if baby falls
- how to deal with burns
- how to handle a seizure
- that it's imperative to react in under a minute if a child is not breathing.
One point the teacher stressed was that the majority of these cases were incidents, not accidents. Meaning that incidents were foreseeable and could have been prevented, however accidents are not foreseeable.
As I said, I am glad I took this course and I just hope I will never have to use the skills I learned. Have you ever taken a CPR or first aid course? If so what did you think about it and would you recommend it to a new mom or dad?
Please share your thoughts with us on the blog! And remember you no longer need to register to leave comments!
Happy reading!
April 23, 2012
Monday blues!
When we dropped James off at daycare this morning he was doing his normal crying. The teachers asked if he slept well and he did so I wasn't concerned. After getting to work I checked in on the classroom. I saw James playing, walking around so all was normal.
Later on I saw there was a new kid with his mom and dad there since he was transitioning. I was thinking to myself, glad that part is over! However I noticed that James was being carried around or on someone's lap. At one point I saw him balling while a teacher was holding him. This is what James will do to Adit or I when we take something away that he wants. So maybe that was the case I thought.
Soon after I got the call from daycare. They said that James has been clingy and cranky so they checked his temperature and it was 99.9 so slight fever. This was around 10:00 am so I asked if I should get him. They said that we don't have to but they were just letting me know. She also said she'll give him a bottle and see how he feels. So I saw them give James some milk, then I didn't see him anymore. It was a long time, so I called to see how he was doing. As I suspected he was asleep. They said he fell asleep right after the bottle, he missed lunch but they will feed him when he wakes up.
James woke up after 2.5 hrs an then I saw him in this chair getting ready to eat! Today's menu looked really yummy. It was lasagna with meat sauce, garlic bread, and veggies. Since the school uses a soy based cheese I figured it was ok for him to try. Well soon after lunch I received another call from daycare. They said that he woke up and ate 2 servings of pasta, had bread, and veggies, then refuse the orange. But then he vomited up all the food. They checked his temp again and it was still 99.9. So James just easing feeling well.
Next I called Adit and told him that we needed to get James. I left work and went straight to daycare where I nursed him. Whenever James vomits I like to nurse him before he eats another meal. Then I called Adit and he picked us up and drove us home. I didn't want to walk as it was raining.
Once home James was playing around. We gave him some Tempra (Tylenol) to help with the fever, which worked. Then I heated up some baked sweet potato and he ate all of it. A little later I gave him some waffles and Cheerios. He ate that too without a problem. At this point I wasn't worried that he'd vomit again, so I decided to make his dinner and offer it early. I am glad I did that, because he ate all of it, my little boy was hungry. I also baked an apple which came out so sweet, but he didn't want it. Hopefully he'll eat it for breakfast tomorrow morning with his waffle. The waffle is dry so I'll use this as a jam for him.
After his sponge bath and change into PJ's I nursed James for over an hour. He just didn't want to let go of me. I felt bad putting him in his crib, but once he went in, he turned and started snoring. I was starving so I had my dinner. After dinner, I logged into the office and did some work! I am actually excited that I'm set up from home now, I will definitely use it to keep myself ahead. Now I'm a early person at work, but before James I'd be there much later and stay late to finish up. Now that I pick up James I can't really stay late, so at least I can finish up what I was doing from home.
Ok, enough talk from me tonight, I'm off to bed in case James decides he needs me again.
Happy reading!
PS: This is your last opportunity to enter to win the Boogie Wipes! Tomorrow's draw will be at 9pm!
Click here to find out how to enter!
Later on I saw there was a new kid with his mom and dad there since he was transitioning. I was thinking to myself, glad that part is over! However I noticed that James was being carried around or on someone's lap. At one point I saw him balling while a teacher was holding him. This is what James will do to Adit or I when we take something away that he wants. So maybe that was the case I thought.
Soon after I got the call from daycare. They said that James has been clingy and cranky so they checked his temperature and it was 99.9 so slight fever. This was around 10:00 am so I asked if I should get him. They said that we don't have to but they were just letting me know. She also said she'll give him a bottle and see how he feels. So I saw them give James some milk, then I didn't see him anymore. It was a long time, so I called to see how he was doing. As I suspected he was asleep. They said he fell asleep right after the bottle, he missed lunch but they will feed him when he wakes up.
James woke up after 2.5 hrs an then I saw him in this chair getting ready to eat! Today's menu looked really yummy. It was lasagna with meat sauce, garlic bread, and veggies. Since the school uses a soy based cheese I figured it was ok for him to try. Well soon after lunch I received another call from daycare. They said that he woke up and ate 2 servings of pasta, had bread, and veggies, then refuse the orange. But then he vomited up all the food. They checked his temp again and it was still 99.9. So James just easing feeling well.
Next I called Adit and told him that we needed to get James. I left work and went straight to daycare where I nursed him. Whenever James vomits I like to nurse him before he eats another meal. Then I called Adit and he picked us up and drove us home. I didn't want to walk as it was raining.
Once home James was playing around. We gave him some Tempra (Tylenol) to help with the fever, which worked. Then I heated up some baked sweet potato and he ate all of it. A little later I gave him some waffles and Cheerios. He ate that too without a problem. At this point I wasn't worried that he'd vomit again, so I decided to make his dinner and offer it early. I am glad I did that, because he ate all of it, my little boy was hungry. I also baked an apple which came out so sweet, but he didn't want it. Hopefully he'll eat it for breakfast tomorrow morning with his waffle. The waffle is dry so I'll use this as a jam for him.
After his sponge bath and change into PJ's I nursed James for over an hour. He just didn't want to let go of me. I felt bad putting him in his crib, but once he went in, he turned and started snoring. I was starving so I had my dinner. After dinner, I logged into the office and did some work! I am actually excited that I'm set up from home now, I will definitely use it to keep myself ahead. Now I'm a early person at work, but before James I'd be there much later and stay late to finish up. Now that I pick up James I can't really stay late, so at least I can finish up what I was doing from home.
Ok, enough talk from me tonight, I'm off to bed in case James decides he needs me again.
Happy reading!
PS: This is your last opportunity to enter to win the Boogie Wipes! Tomorrow's draw will be at 9pm!
Click here to find out how to enter!
April 22, 2012
Baby & Child Tax Credits!
Since we all have enough on our plates juggling work, baby, marriage, and life, I figured I'd remind you Canadians about the tax credits we get for our babies and children.
Children's Fitness Tax Credit:
Children's Fitness Tax Credit:
- You can claim to a maximum of $500 per child the fees paid in 2011 relating to the cost of registering your or your spouse's or common-law partner's child in a prescribed program of physical activity.
- Eligibility:
- The child must have been under 16 years of age or under 18 years of age if eligible for the disability amount at the beginning of the year in which an eligible fitness expense was paid.
- Prescribed Program: To qualify for this amount, a program must:
- be ongoing (a minimum of eight consecutive weeks duration or, in the case of children's camps, five consecutive days);
- be supervised;
- be suitable for children; and
- require significant physical activity that contributes to cardiorespiratory endurance, plus one or more of:
- muscular strength,
- muscular endurance,
- flexibility, and/or
- balance.
- The following activities do not qualify
- activities where riding in, or on, a motorized vehicle is an essential part of the activity;
- self-directed (unsupervised) activities;
- activities that are part of a regular school program; or
- sports-academics programs.
- Children's Fitness Tax Credit Eligibility Checklist: Check here to see if your child's activity meets the qualifications. There are a few yes/no type questions to help you determine if you are eligible. Based on what I read, I believe Gymboree Play & Learn classes qualify!
- You can claim to a maximum of $500 per child the fees paid in 2011 relating to the cost of registration or membership of your or your spouse's or common-law partner's child in a prescribed program of artistic, cultural, recreational, or developmental activity.
- Eligibility:
- The child must have been under 16 years of age or under 18 years of age if eligible for the disability amount at the beginning of the year in which an eligible expense was paid.
- You can claim this amount as long as another person has not already claimed the same fees and the total claimed is not more than the maximum amount that would be allowed if only one of you were claiming the amount.
- Prescribed Program: To qualify for this amount, a program must:
- be ongoing (either a minimum of eight consecutive weeks long or, in the case of children's camps, five consecutive days long);
- be supervised; and
- be suitable for children.
- The program also has to meet one of the following criteria:
- it contributes to the development of creative skills or expertise in an artistic or cultural activity;
- it provides a substantial focus on wilderness and the natural environment;
- it helps children develop and use particular intellectual skills;
- it includes structured interaction among children where supervisors teach or help children develop interpersonal skills; or
- it provides enrichment or tutoring in academic subjects.
- Note
- An activity that develops creative skills or expertise is only eligible if it is intended to improve a child's dexterity or co-ordination, or helps in acquiring and applying knowledge through artistic or cultural activities such as literary arts, visual arts, performing arts, music, media, languages, customs, and heritage.
- So check the government website to learn more, but based on what I read I think the Music classes at Gymboree also qualify for this tax credit!
Remember to keep your receipts so you can claim at the end of the year! Also don't forget that we also have Child care expenses to claim!
So I mentioned Gymboree (click here to hear about our first class experience) as a potential credit, but I don't think we'll take the music class there. Anyone know of another Art/Music class for baby? Also is there another play class for baby that isn't hosted by Gymboree and has classes on the weekends? Please share!
Happy reading!
PS: There is Still time to enter the Boogie Wipes Giveaway, by clicking here! Winner announced on Tuesday, so enter now!
PS: There is Still time to enter the Boogie Wipes Giveaway, by clicking here! Winner announced on Tuesday, so enter now!
April 21, 2012
Finally went to Gymboree!
This day started our much like every other day. James woke up at around 6:15, came to our bed and nursed then slept till 7:00ish. Then he went off to play as I got ready to get my health card renewed. I left after having a quick bite while James was playing. Luckily there was no lineup but I had the wrong paperwork. They wouldn't accept an email from home so I had to drive back and get it. That was annoying, but I got the paperwork, returned, and got my health card!
On my way home I was listening to the radio and I heard the LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem and was singing. Since the tune was still in my head I started singing it to James. He had a poopy diaper so I did a parody and sang 'poopy diapers in the house tonight, everybody wants a nice clean bum, it's enough to make you lose your mind, everybody it's poo poo time! James loved the song and was clapping and laughing! It's our new baby anthem!
So after that we fed him lunch around 11 to keep with daycare timing. He ate pretty well. Then I packed some food for him for after Gymboree class. He loves baked sweet potato so I made that, he also had grapes and Cheerios. On the drive to Gymboree he feel asleep as noon is his normal nap time. Once we removed him from the car seat he was awake and wondering where he was.
We checked into class then began exploring. Every two weeks they have a new theme. Today was slides! James loves the slide so he had fun. We even helped him to go down face first! The first time he was wondering what was happening, then the second time he tried to crawl down. What was awesome is that 2 of his friends were there: Sameera and Arianna! Sameera is a regular and was showing James around, she knew what to do! Arianna was tired so she participated toward the end of the class, then she didn't want to leave.
The class was good, the 45 minutes goes by really fast! The prices are paid monthly and it is expensive but I think it's a good outlet for the kids! I was just about to sign up when James had a mini-meltdown. He was tired and needed to sleep. Adit didn't think it was a good idea to break his schedule. At first I didn't agree with him and thought it was more important for him to go to the class, but now I'm wondering of he's right since James is still nursing to sleep an it's 9pm!
I think the only way it can work is if we get him to sleep immediately after Gymboree. That is easier said than done though! Well after the class the 3 families went for lunch! We had a Mongolian Grill buffet which was amazing. So you can basically choose what you'd like in the food an they cook it fresh. I really enjoyed the lamb and squid combo in my noodles and veggies! We even made a small portion for James, he liked the lamb and onions!
The kids were happy sitting in their highchairs, eating, and socializing. This was James' second lunch so I was happy he ate! He seems to like oranges so he ate some after his meal! The restaurant had a chocolate fountain so I had my full of strawberries and pineapples for my dessert!
After that we made a quick stop to get James a snack tray for his stroller and headed home. He feel asleep after about 10 minutes of nursing. Yes I do nurse in the car! It's a skill, but also very uncomfortable, but us moms will do anything for our babies!
James woke up as we brought him upstairs, so I decided to bring him to bed with me so we can both sleep! Best idea ever, we both slept for about 2 hours! Adit came to wake us up, but we were so comfy we both put up a fight! Eventually we got up and James started running from the living room to our bedroom. Boy has he gotten fast, he just darts around everywhere!
After some playing and dancing we gave him a bath and now I'm nursing him to sleep. Let's hope he let's me go soon!
So have you ever been to Gymboree or something similar? How'd you like it? Share your story on the blog!
Also don't forget you have until Tuesday to enter to win the Boogie Wipes! Enter here!
Happy reading!
PS: Pics from Gymboree
On my way home I was listening to the radio and I heard the LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem and was singing. Since the tune was still in my head I started singing it to James. He had a poopy diaper so I did a parody and sang 'poopy diapers in the house tonight, everybody wants a nice clean bum, it's enough to make you lose your mind, everybody it's poo poo time! James loved the song and was clapping and laughing! It's our new baby anthem!
So after that we fed him lunch around 11 to keep with daycare timing. He ate pretty well. Then I packed some food for him for after Gymboree class. He loves baked sweet potato so I made that, he also had grapes and Cheerios. On the drive to Gymboree he feel asleep as noon is his normal nap time. Once we removed him from the car seat he was awake and wondering where he was.
We checked into class then began exploring. Every two weeks they have a new theme. Today was slides! James loves the slide so he had fun. We even helped him to go down face first! The first time he was wondering what was happening, then the second time he tried to crawl down. What was awesome is that 2 of his friends were there: Sameera and Arianna! Sameera is a regular and was showing James around, she knew what to do! Arianna was tired so she participated toward the end of the class, then she didn't want to leave.
The class was good, the 45 minutes goes by really fast! The prices are paid monthly and it is expensive but I think it's a good outlet for the kids! I was just about to sign up when James had a mini-meltdown. He was tired and needed to sleep. Adit didn't think it was a good idea to break his schedule. At first I didn't agree with him and thought it was more important for him to go to the class, but now I'm wondering of he's right since James is still nursing to sleep an it's 9pm!
I think the only way it can work is if we get him to sleep immediately after Gymboree. That is easier said than done though! Well after the class the 3 families went for lunch! We had a Mongolian Grill buffet which was amazing. So you can basically choose what you'd like in the food an they cook it fresh. I really enjoyed the lamb and squid combo in my noodles and veggies! We even made a small portion for James, he liked the lamb and onions!
The kids were happy sitting in their highchairs, eating, and socializing. This was James' second lunch so I was happy he ate! He seems to like oranges so he ate some after his meal! The restaurant had a chocolate fountain so I had my full of strawberries and pineapples for my dessert!
After that we made a quick stop to get James a snack tray for his stroller and headed home. He feel asleep after about 10 minutes of nursing. Yes I do nurse in the car! It's a skill, but also very uncomfortable, but us moms will do anything for our babies!
James woke up as we brought him upstairs, so I decided to bring him to bed with me so we can both sleep! Best idea ever, we both slept for about 2 hours! Adit came to wake us up, but we were so comfy we both put up a fight! Eventually we got up and James started running from the living room to our bedroom. Boy has he gotten fast, he just darts around everywhere!
After some playing and dancing we gave him a bath and now I'm nursing him to sleep. Let's hope he let's me go soon!
So have you ever been to Gymboree or something similar? How'd you like it? Share your story on the blog!
Also don't forget you have until Tuesday to enter to win the Boogie Wipes! Enter here!
Happy reading!
PS: Pics from Gymboree
April 19, 2012
Giveaway Revealed and How to Win It!
Hi everyone,
Here's the moment you've been waiting for! The Giveaway is from Boogie Wipes!!!
I first learned about Boogie Wipes from the Baby Show, the name definitely intrigued me so I kept the samples to use when James arrived. When James got his first cold we were trying to find ways to help him breathe, in particular to clear his nasal passages. We were using tissues to wipe away the mucus, but after a short while they irritated his nose causing his skin to become red and raw. We knew there had to be a better way and it was at this point that we remembered we had the Boogie Wipes samples.
As soon as I opened the package and removed the wipe I smelled this pleasant aroma. This one was Great Grape but they also come in Fresh Scent, Minty Menthol and Simply Unscented. What I liked about the wipe was that it was soft yet durable and larger than I expected. We used it to wipe James' nose and it did a great job of cleaning the dried boogies on his face. Since the wipe is large you can fold it to get at least a couple uses out of it. The wipe is so gentle that I often use it to clean his face when we are on the go. I've used baby wipes/facial wipes to clean James' face in the past, but now that I found Boogie Wipes I only use those but I think the saline refreshes baby too. The wipes are hypoallergenic and alcohol free which is important to me, they also contain moisturizers so it won't dry out baby's skin. This is the perfect wipe, is there anything they didn't think of!
These wipes come in a 30 pack pouch. We keep one in the baby bag, one at daycare, and the canister of 90 wipes at home. We've purchased the 30 packs at Wal-Mart and Babies R Us and the canister from Costco in the states. My husband's favorite store is Costco so since they carry Boogie Wipes it has to be an exceptional product and meets his seal of approval! In fact, Adit and I also use the wipes when we have a cold. I didn't know they sold Minty Menthol ones so that'll be on my shopping list this week!
I could go on and on about this product, but the best way to experience it is to try it for yourself! Well here's your opportunity! This giveaway is open to readers in the US, Canada, and Australia!
One reader will win (2) packs of 30-count wipes (Great Grape, Fresh Scent, Minty Menthol and Simply Unscented– combination varies), shipped directly to your home!
Here's what you have to do to enter:
Here's the moment you've been waiting for! The Giveaway is from Boogie Wipes!!!
I first learned about Boogie Wipes from the Baby Show, the name definitely intrigued me so I kept the samples to use when James arrived. When James got his first cold we were trying to find ways to help him breathe, in particular to clear his nasal passages. We were using tissues to wipe away the mucus, but after a short while they irritated his nose causing his skin to become red and raw. We knew there had to be a better way and it was at this point that we remembered we had the Boogie Wipes samples.
As soon as I opened the package and removed the wipe I smelled this pleasant aroma. This one was Great Grape but they also come in Fresh Scent, Minty Menthol and Simply Unscented. What I liked about the wipe was that it was soft yet durable and larger than I expected. We used it to wipe James' nose and it did a great job of cleaning the dried boogies on his face. Since the wipe is large you can fold it to get at least a couple uses out of it. The wipe is so gentle that I often use it to clean his face when we are on the go. I've used baby wipes/facial wipes to clean James' face in the past, but now that I found Boogie Wipes I only use those but I think the saline refreshes baby too. The wipes are hypoallergenic and alcohol free which is important to me, they also contain moisturizers so it won't dry out baby's skin. This is the perfect wipe, is there anything they didn't think of!
These wipes come in a 30 pack pouch. We keep one in the baby bag, one at daycare, and the canister of 90 wipes at home. We've purchased the 30 packs at Wal-Mart and Babies R Us and the canister from Costco in the states. My husband's favorite store is Costco so since they carry Boogie Wipes it has to be an exceptional product and meets his seal of approval! In fact, Adit and I also use the wipes when we have a cold. I didn't know they sold Minty Menthol ones so that'll be on my shopping list this week!
I could go on and on about this product, but the best way to experience it is to try it for yourself! Well here's your opportunity! This giveaway is open to readers in the US, Canada, and Australia!
One reader will win (2) packs of 30-count wipes (Great Grape, Fresh Scent, Minty Menthol and Simply Unscented– combination varies), shipped directly to your home!
Here's what you have to do to enter:
- Like Boogie Wipes on Facebook
- Like Silly Baba, Silly Mama on Facebook

- Follow Boogie Wipes on Twitter
- Become a "Follower" on Silly Baba, Silly Mama (click on "Join this site" on the top right of page)
- Share the Giveaway on your Facebook Page (See link under "Followers" called "Share It")
- Join the Boogie Bunch!
I will draw for the winner on Tuesday, April 24th!! Hope you win!
Happy reading!
alcohol free,
boogie wipes,
April 18, 2012
And I'm Tired!
So everyone is asleep and I am still up, there is something wrong with that statement. I know I should be in bed, but I have some energy left in me. My mornings are hectic as usual, trying to make something for James to eat since he's no longer on cereal. I've made pancakes that he seems to like, so I'll make some with blueberries tomorrow morning.
James has been doing great, I was just taking a look at his daycare chart today. Adit picked him up so I wasn't there to get the "run-down" as I call it of what he ate, how long he slept, how many wet diapers/poops, or hear what he did that day. I am happy to say that James is now drinking from a bottle. He's been taking it for about 2 weeks now. He started drinking milk with his teachers now and again, but I think the turning point was when my mom was here and he drank milk with her. Luckily he has continued this practice, knock on wood! Lol! He seems to prefer the Calma nipple from Medela rather than the fast flow nipples from Evenflo. I try to give him the latter because it's a glass bottle and although the plastic ones are BPA free I'm still a glass kinda gal. My rational is that I wouldn't drink warm liquids from a plastic cup, so why should James. However, since he does have a preference, we do entertain the plastic ones for daycare from time to time.
Since James has been at daycare and settled in I am no longer nuts about, did he sleep today? did he drink milk? did he poop? I can enjoy reading that he's done all these things and look forward to the part about what he learned or did today. The teachers wrote that he enjoyed a song called "Open and Shut Them" and he tried to do the hand motions from the song. :) That brought such a big smile to my face. James loves music and he dances to it at home, claps his hands, walks around, and tries to sing too. It is so cute, I could just imagine how cute all the kids are when they are being sung too. James' teachers also try to teach them sign language and he's picking up the hand sign for "All Done" which is essentially Jazz Hands from that bad cheerleader movie "Bring It On" that we all have seen but don't want to admit it. Lol!
A couple teachers say that James feels a little heavier, I hope they are right since I know he lost some weight after HFM. Well we'll know tomorrow as we are going to the doctor to get his 12 month shots. I just hope the ear infection is completely gone. James is normally pretty good with shots in the sense that he cries, but stops as soon as I nurse him, so that's my game plan. Oh that reminds me I better walk with some Tempra, just in case he needs it.
Well I am getting sleepy now so I better go to bed. Hope you all had a nice day too!
Happy reading!
PS: Don't forget to make your guesses on the Guess the Giveaway post! The reveal will be done tomorrow evening!
James has been doing great, I was just taking a look at his daycare chart today. Adit picked him up so I wasn't there to get the "run-down" as I call it of what he ate, how long he slept, how many wet diapers/poops, or hear what he did that day. I am happy to say that James is now drinking from a bottle. He's been taking it for about 2 weeks now. He started drinking milk with his teachers now and again, but I think the turning point was when my mom was here and he drank milk with her. Luckily he has continued this practice, knock on wood! Lol! He seems to prefer the Calma nipple from Medela rather than the fast flow nipples from Evenflo. I try to give him the latter because it's a glass bottle and although the plastic ones are BPA free I'm still a glass kinda gal. My rational is that I wouldn't drink warm liquids from a plastic cup, so why should James. However, since he does have a preference, we do entertain the plastic ones for daycare from time to time.
Since James has been at daycare and settled in I am no longer nuts about, did he sleep today? did he drink milk? did he poop? I can enjoy reading that he's done all these things and look forward to the part about what he learned or did today. The teachers wrote that he enjoyed a song called "Open and Shut Them" and he tried to do the hand motions from the song. :) That brought such a big smile to my face. James loves music and he dances to it at home, claps his hands, walks around, and tries to sing too. It is so cute, I could just imagine how cute all the kids are when they are being sung too. James' teachers also try to teach them sign language and he's picking up the hand sign for "All Done" which is essentially Jazz Hands from that bad cheerleader movie "Bring It On" that we all have seen but don't want to admit it. Lol!
A couple teachers say that James feels a little heavier, I hope they are right since I know he lost some weight after HFM. Well we'll know tomorrow as we are going to the doctor to get his 12 month shots. I just hope the ear infection is completely gone. James is normally pretty good with shots in the sense that he cries, but stops as soon as I nurse him, so that's my game plan. Oh that reminds me I better walk with some Tempra, just in case he needs it.
Well I am getting sleepy now so I better go to bed. Hope you all had a nice day too!
Happy reading!
PS: Don't forget to make your guesses on the Guess the Giveaway post! The reveal will be done tomorrow evening!
April 16, 2012
Guess the Giveaway!
Hey everyone,
Since the blog is becoming popular, thanks to all of you who read it, I have have a free Giveaway to offer one lucky reader from an amazing company!
Let's see if you can guess what it is! It's one of the products mentioned on my prior post called 'Must Haves to Treat A Cold'.
Simply leave a comment on this post with your guess and if you get it right, I'll give you an extra entry when I reveal what the product is on Thursday. All details on how to enter will be in Thursdays post so check back then!
I am so excited to share this favorite product of mine with one of you!
Happy reading! (or rather guessing!)
Since the blog is becoming popular, thanks to all of you who read it, I have have a free Giveaway to offer one lucky reader from an amazing company!
Let's see if you can guess what it is! It's one of the products mentioned on my prior post called 'Must Haves to Treat A Cold'.
Simply leave a comment on this post with your guess and if you get it right, I'll give you an extra entry when I reveal what the product is on Thursday. All details on how to enter will be in Thursdays post so check back then!
I am so excited to share this favorite product of mine with one of you!
Happy reading! (or rather guessing!)
April 15, 2012
Must Haves to Treat a Cold!
Is your little one suffering from a cold? Here are a few tips to help them get through it with comfort!
1. Elevate baby's head: If your child is older than 12 months, use a pillow, otherwise use a crib wedge or cushion under the crib mattress to elevate one side.
2. Vicks BabyRub: This rub is meant for a child's chest, neck, and back, it has a light smell that is very soothing for baby and helps open the airways. James loves this and I think it helps him sleep better.
3. Humidifier: Use one in baby's room to help loosen up the mucus. Crane makes stylish ones for kids rooms, we have the frog! Please remember to follow the directions since they will need to be at a certain height, also wash it frequently as mold can grow in it if not cleaned properly. In addition, you even can add eucalyptus or menthol to the water which will help them breathe.
4. Clear the Nostrils: This tip is more involved so I'd suggest these three ways:
a) For younger babies use a Bulb Syringe to remove the mucus. Just be careful as you don't want to touch the lining of their nostrils. I suggest that you practice using it on your hand or something first so you know how it works before experimenting on baby which could be uncomfortable.
b) Use a gentle saline mist like hydraSense Ultra-Gentle Mist for babies to clear baby's nose. I used to use the suction ball but finds this works much better since James is older. James didn't like it at first and would scream, but after he got used to it he didn't fight. This will clear their nose from wet or dry mucus. After spraying we use the next product.
c) We use gentle saline wipes to clean James' nose throughout the day and after spraying the saline solution. Our favorite ones are from Boogie Wipes, they come in convenient packs of 30 so we always have some packs at home and one in the diaper bag! We find these are really gentle on James' nose and far superior than tissues that cause redness and irritation.
5. Medicine: This natural cold remedy is available in Canada. We used this for James when he had a really bad cold over Christmas and there was noticeable improvement after a couple days of use. It is from a company called Boiron and the product is called Coryzalia, babies 1 month or older can use this.
Lastly increase the amount of fluid baby has, i.e. by offering more water if they are older than 6 months and making sure that they get lots of rest.
Hope these helps comfort your little one during their cold. If you have any other tips, please share them with us on the blog!
Happy reading!
1. Elevate baby's head: If your child is older than 12 months, use a pillow, otherwise use a crib wedge or cushion under the crib mattress to elevate one side.
2. Vicks BabyRub: This rub is meant for a child's chest, neck, and back, it has a light smell that is very soothing for baby and helps open the airways. James loves this and I think it helps him sleep better.
3. Humidifier: Use one in baby's room to help loosen up the mucus. Crane makes stylish ones for kids rooms, we have the frog! Please remember to follow the directions since they will need to be at a certain height, also wash it frequently as mold can grow in it if not cleaned properly. In addition, you even can add eucalyptus or menthol to the water which will help them breathe.
4. Clear the Nostrils: This tip is more involved so I'd suggest these three ways:
a) For younger babies use a Bulb Syringe to remove the mucus. Just be careful as you don't want to touch the lining of their nostrils. I suggest that you practice using it on your hand or something first so you know how it works before experimenting on baby which could be uncomfortable.
b) Use a gentle saline mist like hydraSense Ultra-Gentle Mist for babies to clear baby's nose. I used to use the suction ball but finds this works much better since James is older. James didn't like it at first and would scream, but after he got used to it he didn't fight. This will clear their nose from wet or dry mucus. After spraying we use the next product.
c) We use gentle saline wipes to clean James' nose throughout the day and after spraying the saline solution. Our favorite ones are from Boogie Wipes, they come in convenient packs of 30 so we always have some packs at home and one in the diaper bag! We find these are really gentle on James' nose and far superior than tissues that cause redness and irritation.
5. Medicine: This natural cold remedy is available in Canada. We used this for James when he had a really bad cold over Christmas and there was noticeable improvement after a couple days of use. It is from a company called Boiron and the product is called Coryzalia, babies 1 month or older can use this.
Lastly increase the amount of fluid baby has, i.e. by offering more water if they are older than 6 months and making sure that they get lots of rest.
Hope these helps comfort your little one during their cold. If you have any other tips, please share them with us on the blog!
Happy reading!
April 14, 2012
Last day of my Twenties!
It's official, I will be 30 at midnight! Where has all this time gone. Now I understand why people say that the years sneak up on you because they do!
We had a great day today just hanging out with James. He was in bliss with mama and dada's full attention on him. He ended up sleeping in our bed last night so that I could get some much needed rest, however I think he felt a bit cramped because we found him close to the foot of the bed at one point. Soon after I nursed him and put him back in his crib where he gave us an additional hour before waking at 7:30.
This is a typical day for us now and it made me think about my life over the last 10 years. At 20, I was in second year university where my priorities were myself and school. After graduating my life revolved around myself, work, family, travel, and socializing. As I kept getting older my priorities kept growing. However now looking into my 30's my priorities are James, family, friends, work, and a far distant me! It's funny that once you become a mom it's not about you anymore. Most people ask about the baby then ask about me. I think that's absolutely fine because I love talking about James.
The rest of the day went by fast. James did his typical routine then we took him out for a long walk. It was supposedly 16 degrees (Celsius) but I don't trust the weather here so I still bundled James up and wore my winter coat. I know James was comfy because it was windy and I know I must have gotten some stares because I was the only person in down. Lol! However like I expected the weather did change and it got cold on our way back. I was warm and those people in shorts weren't.
Once home we tried to get James to have dinner, however he was more interested in fasting. So I let him hold the spoon to help feed himself and he opened his mouth. Adit and I started clapping and cheering so I think he only ate to hear that. Lol! Soon after he was done, he raised his hands above his head to sign 'all done'! Daycare has been teaching him signs and we have reinforced it at home so now he's signing a little with both of us! I am so excited that he'll be able to communicate with us now!
After dinner Adit massaged him and got him ready for his bath. We finally put him to sit in the bathtub filled with water. Since he outgrew the infant bath, Adit's been bathing him with the hand shower as he stands. So this was a new change for him. James was excited since there were new toys and because there was a spout with running water that he wanted to touch. I think the tub was a success and James will enjoy it from now on! Next Adit got him ready for bed and I nursed him to sleep.
So it's 8:30 on a Saturday night and all I can think about is going to sleep. Lol! This will give you an idea of how I plan on spending my birthday tomorrow. Initially I did want to do a girls night or a couples night, but it didn't work out since I forgot about all plans when James was sick. Now that he's better we will probably do lunch or dinner with some family and friends.
I'm looking forward to turning 30 and to see what this new decade has in store for me!
30 is a memorable birthday, how did you celebrate it? Please tell us your story on the blog!
Happy reading!
We had a great day today just hanging out with James. He was in bliss with mama and dada's full attention on him. He ended up sleeping in our bed last night so that I could get some much needed rest, however I think he felt a bit cramped because we found him close to the foot of the bed at one point. Soon after I nursed him and put him back in his crib where he gave us an additional hour before waking at 7:30.
This is a typical day for us now and it made me think about my life over the last 10 years. At 20, I was in second year university where my priorities were myself and school. After graduating my life revolved around myself, work, family, travel, and socializing. As I kept getting older my priorities kept growing. However now looking into my 30's my priorities are James, family, friends, work, and a far distant me! It's funny that once you become a mom it's not about you anymore. Most people ask about the baby then ask about me. I think that's absolutely fine because I love talking about James.
The rest of the day went by fast. James did his typical routine then we took him out for a long walk. It was supposedly 16 degrees (Celsius) but I don't trust the weather here so I still bundled James up and wore my winter coat. I know James was comfy because it was windy and I know I must have gotten some stares because I was the only person in down. Lol! However like I expected the weather did change and it got cold on our way back. I was warm and those people in shorts weren't.
Once home we tried to get James to have dinner, however he was more interested in fasting. So I let him hold the spoon to help feed himself and he opened his mouth. Adit and I started clapping and cheering so I think he only ate to hear that. Lol! Soon after he was done, he raised his hands above his head to sign 'all done'! Daycare has been teaching him signs and we have reinforced it at home so now he's signing a little with both of us! I am so excited that he'll be able to communicate with us now!
After dinner Adit massaged him and got him ready for his bath. We finally put him to sit in the bathtub filled with water. Since he outgrew the infant bath, Adit's been bathing him with the hand shower as he stands. So this was a new change for him. James was excited since there were new toys and because there was a spout with running water that he wanted to touch. I think the tub was a success and James will enjoy it from now on! Next Adit got him ready for bed and I nursed him to sleep.
So it's 8:30 on a Saturday night and all I can think about is going to sleep. Lol! This will give you an idea of how I plan on spending my birthday tomorrow. Initially I did want to do a girls night or a couples night, but it didn't work out since I forgot about all plans when James was sick. Now that he's better we will probably do lunch or dinner with some family and friends.
I'm looking forward to turning 30 and to see what this new decade has in store for me!
30 is a memorable birthday, how did you celebrate it? Please tell us your story on the blog!
Happy reading!
Oh What a Day!
Yesterday started out really well, we all got ready and dropped James off at daycare. Then Adit & I went to work. I had a wonderful lunch with some of my former colleagues. It was so nice catching up, just like old times. We have all changed, but still somehow haven't so we all just fit in! The afternoon went by really quickly then it was time to get James.
Adit met me at daycare so we collected James and his stuff and headed home. We wanted to get there quickly because we were going to the park to meet some friends! Once at the park, James was a little clingy and wanted his usual nursing so after that he was ready to go. Adit took him down the slide and he had an awesome time. Sameera was also there and she loves the slide too. Both kids know how to go down by themselves, but Sameera makes an entrance. She sits at the top then pans the crowd to make sure all eyes and cheering is for her, then she gives a smile and goes down! It was the cutest thing ever! After the swing the kids were on the move. James was with Adit then before we knew it he took off and tripped and fell face first on concrete. :(
Adit picked him up and all we saw was gushing blood. :( I was so worried that he broke his teeth, I really didn't know what to do. We rushed him over to his stroller to get something to wipe his mouth. I grabbed a bib and started cleaning the blood, but more was coming. Since it wasn't stopping we knew we needed to get to the emergency. Luckily we drove to the park so I took off running with James and Adit came with the stroller. Once in the car James was still crying so I did the only thing I could to comfort him which was to nurse him. He seemed to feel better, but still showed signs of pain. I felt so bad that I couldn't help him and we had to wait for a doctor. What's worse is that I wasn't sure what the damage was and if his teeth were ok. I know the same thoughts were going through Adit's head so we just focused on getting James admitted.
Since James was exposed to HFM and Chickenpox in the last 3 weeks, we got quarentined. This didn't affect our care at all, in fact I think it sped it up. James was seen by a nurse who said that it looked like his teeth got pushed up. Oh my God was all I was thinking and what does this mean? I asked her if they pull the teeth back down? She said that it depends, that we'll have to take X-rays and see the dentist who will determine what we can do. I was so terrified at this point. It was around 6:30 and past James' dinner time. I knew he was in no condition to eat, especially with the condition he was in. I couldn't help but think that James just got over HFM and now this. He just started eating well at home and daycare. He's even drinking his milk there too and now he probably won't be able to chew and go back to purees again. I was so sad, but had to keep up since James was counting on me. I kept playing with him and singing him songs, he was even laughing.
Next we got moved to a room. A nurse came to assess James and he was not happy. Ever since getting his ears checked for all his ear infections James doesn't like doctors anymore. He was on edge and started screaming. All the nurse had was a flashlight to check his eyes and he stated balling. :( I held him, but that didn't work. Finally she was able to check his eyes which were fine. Next she had to check his blood pressure. He also screamed on the top of his lungs. James calmed after daddy held him for awhile. Now we were waiting to the see doctor to check his teeth.
The doctor came pretty soon after the nurse left. At this point I was nursing James so he did his check while James was on my lap. He checked his head, neck face, and chin. Then he checked his teeth. As he touched each tooth I held my breath waiting to hear his diagnosis. Then he said it, the teeth are fine, they were not pushed back. I was so relieved! I asked the doctor if he was sure and he said yes. Phew, we dodged a bullet on this one. Then the doctor said that the bleeding came from him hitting his chin on the concrete which forced his bottom teeth into the gums of the top teeth and that it will heal well. Then we just need to keep treating the cut on his chin with polysporin and leave it open to breathe and heal. We were released and went home. James was hungry so we made his dinner and put him to bed soon after. I am so proud of my strong little guy, he did very well and is very brave. :)
While this whole ordeal was happening my mommy friends Mala and Ishanthi were calling giving us constant support. Mala was there for the event and saw the blood so she was also traumatized. We had already left by the time Ishanthi got to the park, but she kept in touch too. These moms are the sweetest and offered to help with food, clothes, anything we needed. Luckily we were already discharged and home so we didn't need much. Ishanthi & Eraj were so sweet and brought us some delicious food. She was so right that as parents we get so wrapped up in the moment that we forget about our own basic necessities like food. The food was very yummy and we were touched by your kindness. :) This is why Mommy Networking is so important, because we get to meet amazing friends that are more like family who support your through the good and bad times. :)
Happy reading!
PS: Here are some pictures from the park!
Adit met me at daycare so we collected James and his stuff and headed home. We wanted to get there quickly because we were going to the park to meet some friends! Once at the park, James was a little clingy and wanted his usual nursing so after that he was ready to go. Adit took him down the slide and he had an awesome time. Sameera was also there and she loves the slide too. Both kids know how to go down by themselves, but Sameera makes an entrance. She sits at the top then pans the crowd to make sure all eyes and cheering is for her, then she gives a smile and goes down! It was the cutest thing ever! After the swing the kids were on the move. James was with Adit then before we knew it he took off and tripped and fell face first on concrete. :(
Adit picked him up and all we saw was gushing blood. :( I was so worried that he broke his teeth, I really didn't know what to do. We rushed him over to his stroller to get something to wipe his mouth. I grabbed a bib and started cleaning the blood, but more was coming. Since it wasn't stopping we knew we needed to get to the emergency. Luckily we drove to the park so I took off running with James and Adit came with the stroller. Once in the car James was still crying so I did the only thing I could to comfort him which was to nurse him. He seemed to feel better, but still showed signs of pain. I felt so bad that I couldn't help him and we had to wait for a doctor. What's worse is that I wasn't sure what the damage was and if his teeth were ok. I know the same thoughts were going through Adit's head so we just focused on getting James admitted.
Since James was exposed to HFM and Chickenpox in the last 3 weeks, we got quarentined. This didn't affect our care at all, in fact I think it sped it up. James was seen by a nurse who said that it looked like his teeth got pushed up. Oh my God was all I was thinking and what does this mean? I asked her if they pull the teeth back down? She said that it depends, that we'll have to take X-rays and see the dentist who will determine what we can do. I was so terrified at this point. It was around 6:30 and past James' dinner time. I knew he was in no condition to eat, especially with the condition he was in. I couldn't help but think that James just got over HFM and now this. He just started eating well at home and daycare. He's even drinking his milk there too and now he probably won't be able to chew and go back to purees again. I was so sad, but had to keep up since James was counting on me. I kept playing with him and singing him songs, he was even laughing.
Next we got moved to a room. A nurse came to assess James and he was not happy. Ever since getting his ears checked for all his ear infections James doesn't like doctors anymore. He was on edge and started screaming. All the nurse had was a flashlight to check his eyes and he stated balling. :( I held him, but that didn't work. Finally she was able to check his eyes which were fine. Next she had to check his blood pressure. He also screamed on the top of his lungs. James calmed after daddy held him for awhile. Now we were waiting to the see doctor to check his teeth.
The doctor came pretty soon after the nurse left. At this point I was nursing James so he did his check while James was on my lap. He checked his head, neck face, and chin. Then he checked his teeth. As he touched each tooth I held my breath waiting to hear his diagnosis. Then he said it, the teeth are fine, they were not pushed back. I was so relieved! I asked the doctor if he was sure and he said yes. Phew, we dodged a bullet on this one. Then the doctor said that the bleeding came from him hitting his chin on the concrete which forced his bottom teeth into the gums of the top teeth and that it will heal well. Then we just need to keep treating the cut on his chin with polysporin and leave it open to breathe and heal. We were released and went home. James was hungry so we made his dinner and put him to bed soon after. I am so proud of my strong little guy, he did very well and is very brave. :)
While this whole ordeal was happening my mommy friends Mala and Ishanthi were calling giving us constant support. Mala was there for the event and saw the blood so she was also traumatized. We had already left by the time Ishanthi got to the park, but she kept in touch too. These moms are the sweetest and offered to help with food, clothes, anything we needed. Luckily we were already discharged and home so we didn't need much. Ishanthi & Eraj were so sweet and brought us some delicious food. She was so right that as parents we get so wrapped up in the moment that we forget about our own basic necessities like food. The food was very yummy and we were touched by your kindness. :) This is why Mommy Networking is so important, because we get to meet amazing friends that are more like family who support your through the good and bad times. :)
Happy reading!
PS: Here are some pictures from the park!
April 9, 2012
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Over!
Woohoo! James has overcome his illness and has just a few scars to remember it. Since he's finally eating solids again I was able to return to work yesterday! Adit has been watching him and I heard he had a good 2 days.
Work is getting busy, especially since I'm playing catch-up from missing a few days last week. However it is good to be back. I find work relaxing since I can handle my desk and don't often have too many unexpected issues. I find the opposite at home and am completely overwhelmed most of the time. Lol! I also eat better at work since there is a scheduled lunch time as well as breaks to have tea or use the washroom at my leisure. Such luxuries we can only dream of with a little one! Lol!
When I got home I heard he even drank his milk from the bottle with no fuss, amazing! I hope he will continue this behavior when he returns to daycare, which is tomorrow. I called the daycare and heard that kids were returning again from getting over HFM and/or chicken pox. I was so glad James didn't get chicken pox too and I hope he can avoid it until his 15 month vaccination.
Otherwise he is doing fine and feeling much better. His appetite has improved which means that the sores in his mouth must have gone. Also the blisters on his hands and feet are disappearing. Thankfully he didn't get as bad a visible breakout but he still underwent a lot of pain as he'd start screaming out of the blue and we'd see him tugging at his arms as though he was in pain. :( I am so glad that it's over as I felt so sad seeing him in that state.
Now onto other issues. James has been sleeping with mama and dada since he's been unwell and nursing all night long. This was necessary when he wasn't eating solids, but now I think he just wants to be with us. He will sleep in the crib initially, but usually around 10:30 or 11:00 he will wake up and cry to call for us.
I don't want to leave him to cry it out because he is still in pain from the ear infection and perhaps a tail end of HFM. Does anyone know of any no cry methods to help soothe him back to sleep so he doesn't have to nurse all night with me?
Please share with us on the blog, I'm willing to give it a shot!
Happy reading!
Work is getting busy, especially since I'm playing catch-up from missing a few days last week. However it is good to be back. I find work relaxing since I can handle my desk and don't often have too many unexpected issues. I find the opposite at home and am completely overwhelmed most of the time. Lol! I also eat better at work since there is a scheduled lunch time as well as breaks to have tea or use the washroom at my leisure. Such luxuries we can only dream of with a little one! Lol!
When I got home I heard he even drank his milk from the bottle with no fuss, amazing! I hope he will continue this behavior when he returns to daycare, which is tomorrow. I called the daycare and heard that kids were returning again from getting over HFM and/or chicken pox. I was so glad James didn't get chicken pox too and I hope he can avoid it until his 15 month vaccination.
Otherwise he is doing fine and feeling much better. His appetite has improved which means that the sores in his mouth must have gone. Also the blisters on his hands and feet are disappearing. Thankfully he didn't get as bad a visible breakout but he still underwent a lot of pain as he'd start screaming out of the blue and we'd see him tugging at his arms as though he was in pain. :( I am so glad that it's over as I felt so sad seeing him in that state.
Now onto other issues. James has been sleeping with mama and dada since he's been unwell and nursing all night long. This was necessary when he wasn't eating solids, but now I think he just wants to be with us. He will sleep in the crib initially, but usually around 10:30 or 11:00 he will wake up and cry to call for us.
I don't want to leave him to cry it out because he is still in pain from the ear infection and perhaps a tail end of HFM. Does anyone know of any no cry methods to help soothe him back to sleep so he doesn't have to nurse all night with me?
Please share with us on the blog, I'm willing to give it a shot!
Happy reading!
April 8, 2012
Mommy (and Baby) Networking
Networking is an absolute must for a new mom or mom-to-be! I know I would not have enjoyed my maternity leave or been as confident a mom without the support of my mommy friends! There's a special bond that we all share because we've all been through the same milestones at some point or another with our little ones. I also love the fact that James has a network of friends that he has know since he was 3 or 4 months old, so basically most of his life. I hope that no matter where life takes us all that we can try to stay in touch and that the kids can still remain as lifelong friends!
For those of you who are expecting or just had a baby here are some helpful ways to meet new moms in your area:
One of the first things I did was search the Internet and I found a website called MeetUp. This was my jump start to meeting new moms. I looked for mom groups in my area and created an account. Next I started attending some meetups in my area. Once there I was able to talk with other moms and after getting to know them week after week we became friends. One mom I knew did something even better and she messaged other moms in the meetup site and suggested places to hang out. This is a great way to meet people!
Community Center or Library:
Check your local library or community center for baby drop-ins, reading groups for babies. My community center was a great outlet during the hot summer months. James and I would hang out there with other mommies and babies. We enjoyed playing and especially circle time where we sang songs to all the kids. They loved it! Also the local library usually has a story time where there is a special room and time for kids to read and to be read to.
Mom and Baby Fitness:
There are countless classes available for mom and baby like pilates, swim classes, yoga, and even salsa classes. Before you start wondering if I'm nuts, the way dance classes work is by placing baby in a carrier. Lol! Usually the community center will have these classes at a discount, but you can also check dance studios, etc for more information. Although I have never taken James to a swim class, the moms I spoke with say that they do water aerobics then swim time with the baby. Babies are in floaters while mom is doing aerobics so it's completely safe. :) My other mom friend said that her daughter would nap for 3 hours after swimming! So there are some additional benefits of exercise like some quiet time if you are lucky!
Gymboree Play&Learn Classes:
I am sad to say that I have still never been here, but I will get to Gymboree someday! :) My mommy friends swear by it and absolutely love this place. For babies they have a play & learn class that for 0-5 years and a music class for 6 months - 5 years. They do have other classes, but these will be the most relevant for new moms. I'd like to try out the music class perhaps on the weekend. As Gymboree can be expensive, look out for Groupon deals as I saw some last summer and believe that there will be more coming soon. I will post them on my FaceBook group: Silly Baba, Silly Mama if I see any. Once I attend a class I'll do a review to let you know what it's like.
Talk, Talk, Talk:
Another tip is to talk to everyone! I would talk with moms while walking down the street, while in my elevator, etc. The more people you know the better.
Once I had a few people that I thought were interesting, I started inviting them to come to my home for playdates, or meet to go for long walks, etc. through these means I have at least 10 close mom friends.
All of our babies are different ages so moms with older kids are a wealth of knowledge and you can help those with younger babies. I find that moms are a wealth of knowledge and are eager to help with sleeping tricks, recipes for baby, or just someone to talk with. As an added bonus the dads have gotten to know each other too and have been hanging out too so it's a win-win for everyone!
I hope you take my advice and use some of these means to meet some new friends, you and baby need it! Also if anyone else knows of other networking means, please share them with us on the blog!
Happy reading!
For those of you who are expecting or just had a baby here are some helpful ways to meet new moms in your area:
One of the first things I did was search the Internet and I found a website called MeetUp. This was my jump start to meeting new moms. I looked for mom groups in my area and created an account. Next I started attending some meetups in my area. Once there I was able to talk with other moms and after getting to know them week after week we became friends. One mom I knew did something even better and she messaged other moms in the meetup site and suggested places to hang out. This is a great way to meet people!
Community Center or Library:
Check your local library or community center for baby drop-ins, reading groups for babies. My community center was a great outlet during the hot summer months. James and I would hang out there with other mommies and babies. We enjoyed playing and especially circle time where we sang songs to all the kids. They loved it! Also the local library usually has a story time where there is a special room and time for kids to read and to be read to.
Mom and Baby Fitness:
There are countless classes available for mom and baby like pilates, swim classes, yoga, and even salsa classes. Before you start wondering if I'm nuts, the way dance classes work is by placing baby in a carrier. Lol! Usually the community center will have these classes at a discount, but you can also check dance studios, etc for more information. Although I have never taken James to a swim class, the moms I spoke with say that they do water aerobics then swim time with the baby. Babies are in floaters while mom is doing aerobics so it's completely safe. :) My other mom friend said that her daughter would nap for 3 hours after swimming! So there are some additional benefits of exercise like some quiet time if you are lucky!
Gymboree Play&Learn Classes:
I am sad to say that I have still never been here, but I will get to Gymboree someday! :) My mommy friends swear by it and absolutely love this place. For babies they have a play & learn class that for 0-5 years and a music class for 6 months - 5 years. They do have other classes, but these will be the most relevant for new moms. I'd like to try out the music class perhaps on the weekend. As Gymboree can be expensive, look out for Groupon deals as I saw some last summer and believe that there will be more coming soon. I will post them on my FaceBook group: Silly Baba, Silly Mama if I see any. Once I attend a class I'll do a review to let you know what it's like.
Talk, Talk, Talk:
Another tip is to talk to everyone! I would talk with moms while walking down the street, while in my elevator, etc. The more people you know the better.
Once I had a few people that I thought were interesting, I started inviting them to come to my home for playdates, or meet to go for long walks, etc. through these means I have at least 10 close mom friends.
All of our babies are different ages so moms with older kids are a wealth of knowledge and you can help those with younger babies. I find that moms are a wealth of knowledge and are eager to help with sleeping tricks, recipes for baby, or just someone to talk with. As an added bonus the dads have gotten to know each other too and have been hanging out too so it's a win-win for everyone!
I hope you take my advice and use some of these means to meet some new friends, you and baby need it! Also if anyone else knows of other networking means, please share them with us on the blog!
Happy reading!
community center,
April 4, 2012
Oh No, Blisters and Sores! :(
So it's confirmed, James has Hand, Foot, and Mouth (HFM) disease. :( I saw more of the little dots pop up and saw how they transformed into blisters. He has a few around his knee and some on his toes and hands.
The blisters don't seem to hurt him as far as I can tell but he does have some aches and pains from the fever. I thought the fever passed but he still had a temp around 6:00 this evening so we are back on Tylenol.
Poor baby still has a bad ear infection that hasn't really improved. Now he has some mucus forming in his eyes that I understand is due to the ear infection as told by a couple of my mommy friends who have been through this. My heart hurts when I see James screaming in agony over the pain he feels. The poor guy can't even sleep by himself. I have to physically hold him all night. If I dare try to put him in his crib or even next to me in my bed he's in hysterics. I can't imagine what he's going through right now. He's enduring so much pain and still breaks a smile when he can.
The Tylenol is helping but he's far from 100%. He's barely eating anything and it's because it hurts him to eat. I looked down his throat as he was crying earlier and I could see little white bumps around his tonsil and at the back of his throat. I read that it hurts babies to swallow so that is probably why he's not eating. I even see he has a difficult time drinking water.
As for James hydration, he is basically living off breast milk which is in lower supply as I'm working now. So I'm trying to supplement as much as I can with water. I know he's hungry and wants food but he keeps refusing it. Since I know his favorite food is rotisserie chicken and that he also has a sweet tooth, my mom got him a chicken and a blueberry muffin. Boy he loved that. He ate a decent piece of chicken and a small amount of the muffin. I feel so much better now that something is in his system besides milk and the occasional Cheerio.
I think James has slightly improved from yesterday. I only say that because he's basically traded the fever for blisters. He is uncomfortable and I find it helps when we massage his arms and legs. He's a pretty good walker but now he's really wobbly and falls a lot so my mom and I run after him all day.
I can't wait until he feels better. I've read mixed reviews on a time frame for him to get better. I've heard 3-5 days and 5-7 days. I hope it's the lesser and pray he heals soon. So this outbreak is due to daycare and I now it's easy to blame them but what can we really do to prevent it. Not being in daycare is not the answer as I have friends whose kids are not in daycare and still get HFM. It's a virus and can spread easily among children. I am sad that James has it but I stand by my decision of having him in daycare.
Otherwise I had about 1.5 hours sleep last night and am running on empty. I anticipate more long nights to come until he feels better.
Has your child has HFM? How long did it last? Do the blisters hurt? Does the baby scar? Please share your thoughts with us on the blog.
Happy reading!
The blisters don't seem to hurt him as far as I can tell but he does have some aches and pains from the fever. I thought the fever passed but he still had a temp around 6:00 this evening so we are back on Tylenol.
Poor baby still has a bad ear infection that hasn't really improved. Now he has some mucus forming in his eyes that I understand is due to the ear infection as told by a couple of my mommy friends who have been through this. My heart hurts when I see James screaming in agony over the pain he feels. The poor guy can't even sleep by himself. I have to physically hold him all night. If I dare try to put him in his crib or even next to me in my bed he's in hysterics. I can't imagine what he's going through right now. He's enduring so much pain and still breaks a smile when he can.
The Tylenol is helping but he's far from 100%. He's barely eating anything and it's because it hurts him to eat. I looked down his throat as he was crying earlier and I could see little white bumps around his tonsil and at the back of his throat. I read that it hurts babies to swallow so that is probably why he's not eating. I even see he has a difficult time drinking water.
As for James hydration, he is basically living off breast milk which is in lower supply as I'm working now. So I'm trying to supplement as much as I can with water. I know he's hungry and wants food but he keeps refusing it. Since I know his favorite food is rotisserie chicken and that he also has a sweet tooth, my mom got him a chicken and a blueberry muffin. Boy he loved that. He ate a decent piece of chicken and a small amount of the muffin. I feel so much better now that something is in his system besides milk and the occasional Cheerio.
I think James has slightly improved from yesterday. I only say that because he's basically traded the fever for blisters. He is uncomfortable and I find it helps when we massage his arms and legs. He's a pretty good walker but now he's really wobbly and falls a lot so my mom and I run after him all day.
I can't wait until he feels better. I've read mixed reviews on a time frame for him to get better. I've heard 3-5 days and 5-7 days. I hope it's the lesser and pray he heals soon. So this outbreak is due to daycare and I now it's easy to blame them but what can we really do to prevent it. Not being in daycare is not the answer as I have friends whose kids are not in daycare and still get HFM. It's a virus and can spread easily among children. I am sad that James has it but I stand by my decision of having him in daycare.
Otherwise I had about 1.5 hours sleep last night and am running on empty. I anticipate more long nights to come until he feels better.
Has your child has HFM? How long did it last? Do the blisters hurt? Does the baby scar? Please share your thoughts with us on the blog.
Happy reading!
April 3, 2012
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease :(
I am sure most of you are wondering what this is so here's a definition from babycenter before I go on:
"Hand, foot and mouth disease is usually a mild illness caused by one of a group of coxsackie viruses. It gets its name from the little sores that develop on the hands and feet, and in the mouth. It’s common in children under 10, although adults can get a milder form of the virus. "
Now here's why it's important. James developed a high fever overnight so I gave him Tempra (infant tylenol) and it started to go down. James was really clingy and didn't want to sleep in his crib so I brought him to bed with me. After hours of nonstop nursing he finally gave me 2.5hrs of sleep. This meant that I had a terrible migraine in the morning. I can never properly function with a migraine so I didn't go to work today.
As for James his fever was decreasing, but still there. I called his daycare to let them know about his absence. While discussing the administrator advised me that there were 2 cases of HMF and 1 of chicken pox. So I asked if that was at the center or his classroom and she said his classroom! I was mortified as I didn't want either for James.
I remember a friend of mine's daughter had HFM soon after starting daycare so I was wondering how kids get it and what the symptoms were so here they are:
How can my baby catch HFM:
"Hand, foot and mouth disease is contagious and easily passed on from person to person. Your baby can catch it if someone with the virus coughs or sneezes near him, or from contact with stool, saliva or fluid from the sores. If your baby catches it he will be most contagious a few days before symptoms appear, so it can be hard to anticipate or prevent.
Not surprisingly, outbreaks of hand, foot and mouth disease are common in daycares and nursery schools. Hygiene is very important to prevent it spreading, so wash your hands and your baby’s hands frequently with soap and water." - Baby Center
What are the Symptoms:
"The telltale signs of the virus are small, blister-like sores in your baby's mouth, and on his hands and feet. The sores may spread up the backs of his legs and onto his bottom and genitals. The blisters can be extremely sore, and your baby may not want to drink or eat because of the blisters in his mouth. Your baby may also feel unwell, and have a sore throat and mild fever for a day or two, and go off his food.
It usually takes between three and five days for symptoms to appear once your baby is infected. Hand, foot and mouth disease will be uncomfortable for your baby, but rest assured that it's not a serious illness. " - Baby Center
So this afternoon I saw a little bump on his chin then a little later saw a bump on his palm. This is when we went to the doctor. We didn't have an appointment so we had to wait until almost closing time. The doctor advised us that the bumps we saw could just be from the fever but the ones he found on his knee looked like more cause for concern. He said that it's probably not chicken pox as sores start on the belly of which James had none.
He was more concerned with James' fever so he asked us to monitor it and come back if he worsened in 2 days.
So all we know right now is that he doesn't have chicken pox, has a fever, and may or may not have HFM. So on the way home from the doctor I stopped by daycare to collect my milk for James. Once there I heard that there are 2 cases if chicken pox and 4 cases of HFM. The odds don't look promising for James.
I'll continue to monitor him and keep him comfy in my arms. For pain relief the doctor recommended infant tylenol of which he is taking. Also I need to continuously nurse him since he's not eating much food.
Has your child ever had HFM? What did you do to comfort them? How long did it last? Please share your experience with us on the blog!
Happy reading!
"Hand, foot and mouth disease is usually a mild illness caused by one of a group of coxsackie viruses. It gets its name from the little sores that develop on the hands and feet, and in the mouth. It’s common in children under 10, although adults can get a milder form of the virus. "
Now here's why it's important. James developed a high fever overnight so I gave him Tempra (infant tylenol) and it started to go down. James was really clingy and didn't want to sleep in his crib so I brought him to bed with me. After hours of nonstop nursing he finally gave me 2.5hrs of sleep. This meant that I had a terrible migraine in the morning. I can never properly function with a migraine so I didn't go to work today.
As for James his fever was decreasing, but still there. I called his daycare to let them know about his absence. While discussing the administrator advised me that there were 2 cases of HMF and 1 of chicken pox. So I asked if that was at the center or his classroom and she said his classroom! I was mortified as I didn't want either for James.
I remember a friend of mine's daughter had HFM soon after starting daycare so I was wondering how kids get it and what the symptoms were so here they are:
How can my baby catch HFM:
"Hand, foot and mouth disease is contagious and easily passed on from person to person. Your baby can catch it if someone with the virus coughs or sneezes near him, or from contact with stool, saliva or fluid from the sores. If your baby catches it he will be most contagious a few days before symptoms appear, so it can be hard to anticipate or prevent.
Not surprisingly, outbreaks of hand, foot and mouth disease are common in daycares and nursery schools. Hygiene is very important to prevent it spreading, so wash your hands and your baby’s hands frequently with soap and water." - Baby Center
What are the Symptoms:
"The telltale signs of the virus are small, blister-like sores in your baby's mouth, and on his hands and feet. The sores may spread up the backs of his legs and onto his bottom and genitals. The blisters can be extremely sore, and your baby may not want to drink or eat because of the blisters in his mouth. Your baby may also feel unwell, and have a sore throat and mild fever for a day or two, and go off his food.
It usually takes between three and five days for symptoms to appear once your baby is infected. Hand, foot and mouth disease will be uncomfortable for your baby, but rest assured that it's not a serious illness. " - Baby Center
So this afternoon I saw a little bump on his chin then a little later saw a bump on his palm. This is when we went to the doctor. We didn't have an appointment so we had to wait until almost closing time. The doctor advised us that the bumps we saw could just be from the fever but the ones he found on his knee looked like more cause for concern. He said that it's probably not chicken pox as sores start on the belly of which James had none.
He was more concerned with James' fever so he asked us to monitor it and come back if he worsened in 2 days.
So all we know right now is that he doesn't have chicken pox, has a fever, and may or may not have HFM. So on the way home from the doctor I stopped by daycare to collect my milk for James. Once there I heard that there are 2 cases if chicken pox and 4 cases of HFM. The odds don't look promising for James.
I'll continue to monitor him and keep him comfy in my arms. For pain relief the doctor recommended infant tylenol of which he is taking. Also I need to continuously nurse him since he's not eating much food.
Has your child ever had HFM? What did you do to comfort them? How long did it last? Please share your experience with us on the blog!
Happy reading!
and mouth disease,
chicken pox,
April 1, 2012
Girls Night Out!
As I was doing my hair yesterday I was trying to remember the longest amount of time I was away from James which was about 3 hours (excluding his time at daycare). Since he was born I have been faithfully at his side, being there for every moment. Once I spent a few hours at my sister in laws for dinner one evening with some other friends, but I wouldn't consider that a "going out" moment. The reason I say that is because she lives across the street and I can even see into our living room from her window! Lol!
Well this was my first official night out since James was born and who better to spend it with than my mommy friends. I know we were attempting the impossible, because how do you coordinate or make plans with moms! As you moms know, we are highly unpredictable as what we do depends on our little ones well being, sleep and eat schedule, etc. With that said I was so pleased that we had such great turnout considering the odds were not in our favor. :)
I have curly hair so whenever there is an occasion I straighten it, this time I wanted to try something different so I went with a curling iron curly look. My mom is in town, so she and Adit were looking after James which gave me time to get ready. :) First I had to find the curling iron that I hadn't seen in over a year so when I found it under the mess in my under sink cabinet it was covered in dust. Lol! Luckily it still worked so I adjusted the heat and began to section my hair. I grabbed a chunk of hair and attempted to wrap it around the iron then voila, it was a mediocre wave. How did I used to do this I thought? Well I tried again a few more times and finally got it along with a few burns on my fingers, but it was well worth it. I was very pleased with the outcome.
Once my hair was all done it was time to see James. Since he's walking now he kept banging on my bedroom door because he wanted in. Once I opened the door he started to run toward me with the biggest smile on his face! Then I told him it was bedtime! I think he knew because he tried to wiggle out of my arms to keep playing with Dada and Grandma! After reading a few stories and nursing he was asleep. I felt so relaxed, but then I remembered that I needed to get ready and go. I rocked him some more and gently placed him in the crib. After patting his back a few times I was ready to tip-toe out and get my night started.
My next dilemma was figuring out what to wear. I haven't dressed up in ages either. Since I'm nursing, my wardrobe consists of my uniform (my pajamas) then my daytime clothes which are either gym pants or jeans and my nursing tops. Lol! As I did used to go out before James I had some fancier clothes for the occasion. The best part about going out in the evening was that I didn't have to wear a nursing bra! After that I was able to do my makeup and head over the the restaurant with my friend.
Our reservation was for 8pm, but of course only a couple moms were punctual and the rest of us came late, myself included! Luckily the restaurant accommodated us and allowed us to keep the reservation. I am sure if they knew it was a table of moms they would have thought twice about accommodating us! Lol! Once there we were all relaxed and chatting. Some of us have started work others still home, so we had a lot to catch up on. Then we had a lovely dinner, the food was amazing I really enjoyed my lamb. It was cooked perfectly, but as a nursing mom I would prefer a larger portion. Sadly I think I can even out-eat Adit, lol!
It was great having an outing, but like everyone else on the table we kept our phones close. :) James is feeling much better, but he still has an ear infection in one ear. His sleeping is unstable now and he wakes up between 3-4 times at night. Adit and I have been taking turns putting him to sleep, but since I'm nursing I still have to get up each time if Adit can't put him back to sleep. For some reason I knew James would wake up early and at around 10:30 I got a text that he was awake. Adit said that he was screaming and that he was having difficulty falling asleep again. I told him that I was still having dinner and that he should walk with him and keep him in his bedroom. After about 20-30 minutes it still wasn't working. My mom tried too, but he still kept crying. This meant that he needed me. So I told my friends that I had to leave early to tend to James. We can't blame James because he wasn't feeling well and I was glad that I was able to enjoy the night thus far. So I skipped dessert and rushed home to James.
Once I entered the condo I heard silence, so I tip-toed in and grabbed the monitor to see if he was asleep. As I suspected he wasn't because I could see him moving around as Adit was rocking him. I quickly got back into my pj's and rushed into relieve Adit. Once James was in my arms I nursed him and he closed his eyes and feel asleep soon after. It felt so nice holding him in my arms. Now that I am working I don't get to spend much time with him, so I enjoy the late night nursing sessions, even though I feel the lack of sleep during the day.
All in all I had a great time! I still consider the night a success since I made it out and had fun. I look forward to the next outing and hopefully James will feel better so that Mama can go dancing with the girls!
So it only took me over a year to have my first night out after baby, when and where did you first go out, and how was it? Please share it with us on the blog!
Happy reading!
Also here's a couple pics from last night at the restaurant!
Well this was my first official night out since James was born and who better to spend it with than my mommy friends. I know we were attempting the impossible, because how do you coordinate or make plans with moms! As you moms know, we are highly unpredictable as what we do depends on our little ones well being, sleep and eat schedule, etc. With that said I was so pleased that we had such great turnout considering the odds were not in our favor. :)
I have curly hair so whenever there is an occasion I straighten it, this time I wanted to try something different so I went with a curling iron curly look. My mom is in town, so she and Adit were looking after James which gave me time to get ready. :) First I had to find the curling iron that I hadn't seen in over a year so when I found it under the mess in my under sink cabinet it was covered in dust. Lol! Luckily it still worked so I adjusted the heat and began to section my hair. I grabbed a chunk of hair and attempted to wrap it around the iron then voila, it was a mediocre wave. How did I used to do this I thought? Well I tried again a few more times and finally got it along with a few burns on my fingers, but it was well worth it. I was very pleased with the outcome.
Once my hair was all done it was time to see James. Since he's walking now he kept banging on my bedroom door because he wanted in. Once I opened the door he started to run toward me with the biggest smile on his face! Then I told him it was bedtime! I think he knew because he tried to wiggle out of my arms to keep playing with Dada and Grandma! After reading a few stories and nursing he was asleep. I felt so relaxed, but then I remembered that I needed to get ready and go. I rocked him some more and gently placed him in the crib. After patting his back a few times I was ready to tip-toe out and get my night started.
My next dilemma was figuring out what to wear. I haven't dressed up in ages either. Since I'm nursing, my wardrobe consists of my uniform (my pajamas) then my daytime clothes which are either gym pants or jeans and my nursing tops. Lol! As I did used to go out before James I had some fancier clothes for the occasion. The best part about going out in the evening was that I didn't have to wear a nursing bra! After that I was able to do my makeup and head over the the restaurant with my friend.
Our reservation was for 8pm, but of course only a couple moms were punctual and the rest of us came late, myself included! Luckily the restaurant accommodated us and allowed us to keep the reservation. I am sure if they knew it was a table of moms they would have thought twice about accommodating us! Lol! Once there we were all relaxed and chatting. Some of us have started work others still home, so we had a lot to catch up on. Then we had a lovely dinner, the food was amazing I really enjoyed my lamb. It was cooked perfectly, but as a nursing mom I would prefer a larger portion. Sadly I think I can even out-eat Adit, lol!
It was great having an outing, but like everyone else on the table we kept our phones close. :) James is feeling much better, but he still has an ear infection in one ear. His sleeping is unstable now and he wakes up between 3-4 times at night. Adit and I have been taking turns putting him to sleep, but since I'm nursing I still have to get up each time if Adit can't put him back to sleep. For some reason I knew James would wake up early and at around 10:30 I got a text that he was awake. Adit said that he was screaming and that he was having difficulty falling asleep again. I told him that I was still having dinner and that he should walk with him and keep him in his bedroom. After about 20-30 minutes it still wasn't working. My mom tried too, but he still kept crying. This meant that he needed me. So I told my friends that I had to leave early to tend to James. We can't blame James because he wasn't feeling well and I was glad that I was able to enjoy the night thus far. So I skipped dessert and rushed home to James.
Once I entered the condo I heard silence, so I tip-toed in and grabbed the monitor to see if he was asleep. As I suspected he wasn't because I could see him moving around as Adit was rocking him. I quickly got back into my pj's and rushed into relieve Adit. Once James was in my arms I nursed him and he closed his eyes and feel asleep soon after. It felt so nice holding him in my arms. Now that I am working I don't get to spend much time with him, so I enjoy the late night nursing sessions, even though I feel the lack of sleep during the day.
All in all I had a great time! I still consider the night a success since I made it out and had fun. I look forward to the next outing and hopefully James will feel better so that Mama can go dancing with the girls!
So it only took me over a year to have my first night out after baby, when and where did you first go out, and how was it? Please share it with us on the blog!
Happy reading!
Also here's a couple pics from last night at the restaurant!
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