Yaay! We
completed transition day 2 which consisted of James being present for 2 hours
and us being there for 1 hour. I say us because daddy came along today. So we
arrived at 9am and got James settled, at around 9:30 the teachers got him ready
for a walk so I stuck around to make sure he was dressed properly and then we
left. James was getting dressed by his favorite teacher so he did not put up a
fuss. She even held him and they waved bye-bye to us. Adit and I left, but
stuck around to see how he'd react in the stroller. I tip-toed to where he was
and saw that he was ok. He was so bundled that he just looked like a
marshmallow and all I could see is his little face sticking out which looked
happy. I beckoned Adit over to take a look then we went for a walk. James goes
for walks daily so I knew he'd be happy being outside.
We returned
after and hour which was also the duration of the walk. James takes 2 naps a
day and the walk was around the time of his 1st nap. As I suspected, he had
fallen asleep about 5 mins before they returned to the center. So when we got
to the classroom they advised that they undressed him and placed him in the
crib. We checked and he had his arms up over his head and was in a deep sleep.
Adit and I stuck around for a while but there was no sign of James waking up so
we went out to grab lunch. While we were on our way the daycare called us because he woke up. Although we were supposed to leave at 11, we ended up
leaving around noon. Once James saw me he started crying because he wanted us.
They didn't have an opportunity to give him milk so tomorrow will be the moment
of truth because he will be there until noon without mommy.
All in all I
feel good about the center and James seems happy too. He really likes one
teacher in particular and when I was holding his fingers to help him walk
around he hustled to go to her when she called him. That's a great sign! :)
Well I'm off to
get James' things ready and head to bed!
Happy reading!
PS: Here's James in the stroller!